* W H A T * I S * U N ~ L A W F U L * C E A S E S ;
* W H A T * I S * L A W F U L * P E R S I S T S * Now let's go on a little trip--a Simulation, if you will, away from the current
method, means, procedure, policy, toward something much better.
This journey has to do with the Way People Live for Eternity on a Planet such as this IS.
This journey is about Economics, Banking, Land Ownership, Vocation, Community,
Public Health and Education, all together.
There are ten Segments to this Journey; and we hope you will find them Illuminating.
Existence is not merely Visible; it is also Felt, Smelled, Tasted, and Heard.
Reasoning alone--without sensory information--cannot describe the limits of Life.
That is why Spirits must Gain Information by incarnating, so they can also Sense Reality.
Spirits easily discern that what is Appropriate is What is Safe.
However, being Fair to All, they have to admit that Creatures of Will don't feel that way.
What is Fair Discipline for Spirits becomes onerous and abusive to the Free Will.
And what is Just is to confront Lifestyle as an Issue, but not only as a Matter of Confrontation.
You are now confronting What is Holy, What is Sacred,
What is Real, and What is Active--all at once.
No Human Family has ever done this before.
No Human Family lives with the depth and breadth of Diversity you live with.
No Human Family lives with the ranges of Experience that you experience.
No Human Family lives on the Edge of Extinction, as you Peoples do.
We wonder if you will prevail.
Right now, your chances are In Doubt.
We want to see you change your Chances, for the Better.
Good luck. Signed, The Progenitors [Whose Thoughts you only imagine].
Every form of Law permits the writing of a Promise, a Note, or an Intention to Give.
Where the cash value of the 'Good' being exchanged by such a Document is very small,
there is no tax attached to it.
The problem with peoples' attaching Great Value to their Labor is that the Government
then takes a Disproportionate Share of Human Labor for Its OWN use.
For those values and services which you can obtain and exchange without money,
Write Your Own Currency, TO WIT:
Personal NOTE
For value received, _________________________________________[what you order]
I promise to Send_______________________________________________________
[Land, stock, money order, silver coin, stamps, check, favor, gift, access, privilege, event or service] within the Next 14 days to _______________________________________________.
Like any other Promissory Note, I will receive it back when Endorsed traded OR transferred, in Due Time.
[Signature@email, phone, date
X__________________________________________________________________ [Endorsements for use, trade, transfer]
NOTES about Currency:
If you give out more promises than you can keep, your Notes will have No Value.
If you give out fewer promises than you can keep, you miss Opportunities to Gain.
When Value Received is $tiny, the transaction has no Tax Value to the Government.
What you give is what you HAVE to give; time, effort, or something that money buys.
In this system, Time, Effort, and what Money buys all have the Same Value.
Give your wife, for her Birthday, a Walk each Sabbath afternoon for a Season.
Give your children trips to places you know they want to go, that make it easy for you.
Give your friends the help that you would give them anyway, so they can count on it.
Give your mother-in-law the gift of Time with your Children, that she can look forward to.
A safe place for Notes and Promises is to interleaf pages of a Journal or Bible.
Just as one must plan how to pay off a mortgage, one must schedule one's Promises.
So, there should never be a Surprise Redemption.
If a Promise becomes Moot, that's an opportunity to Hand It On, as a Gift.
All Promises have Value, so then let the Recipient Endorse the Promise.
Endorsing a Promise over to another provides the Opportunity for a New Promise.
It does not devalue the previous one; and Promises tacked on to Promises only means
People are Loving Each Other.
This can include Family, Friends, Associates, Neighbors, Acquaintances--
ANYONE from whom you are already RECEIVING Gifts of Time, Effort, or Value. ....
the guy who gave you a lift to the garage, your son's teacher, your pastor, the mailman.
If you are like most people, you can only afford to give about One Promise each week.
Yet this devoted time is an Investment that will reap The Power of Ten for you.
By typing your List you have spoken your Goal. That is like uttering a Pledge. This is Good.
You are progressing in your understanding of giving Honor that will come back to you.
Your List will Stand for All Time, so you can come check back on it.
NEXT, make sufficient copies of your Currency for the people on Your List.
Now the fun part. Write In the experiences that your Associates want to Have
which you can provide, and Decide on the Best Week to present your Gift.
Place your promise in an Envelope to keep it safe, and give it in Private or Witnessed.
It takes about four Fulfilled Promises until you see you Life begin to Change.
If you LIKE the Effects that Fulfilled Promises create in your Life,
then CONTINUE to make and keep Promises to people.
STEP 2. LEGAL MANDATES---Collateral and Group Organization
Once you have a group of people who are doing favors for each other, what happens is that
somebody needs money, and nobody has the money to help out.
What you're going to do next is set up Community Entity (a Role or Job that can rotate)
whose Mission is to establish the Credit Rating of the Group,
to further the purposes of the Neighborhood, whether that becomes:
- Purchasing Together,
- Maintaining Common Grounds, or
- Managing some Business Ventures together
Naturally, we begin with the assumption that Nobody has much MONEY.
But as any pawn broker will tell you,
the things that people HAVE comprise Collateral that can be held as security for Loans.
This is to say that,
the people in the community who are willing to allow their Objects of Value
to be held or sold as COLLATERAL for the whole Community,
then become Recipients of loans which the Community is able to secure in its Name--
if not from banks at this time, at least at favorable rates from local pawn brokers.
Not only does the Neighborhood now have an opportunity to swap Promises and Favors,
everybody can now Empty Themselves of all their Excess Stuff
so it becomes the very Collateral from which the Community finances all its Ventures--
both Individual loans and Group Projects.
Stamp collections, and collections of all kinds. Jewelry that nobody wears. Extra cars and car parts; extra tools; guns; old cameras, bric a brac, boat anchors and white elephants.
The person in charge of Collateral must have an archetypical personality that one would call a Manager, a promoter, a wheeler-dealer. Yet their Honesty must be unimpeachable, like Hazel --here-- Mayor of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, now age 88.
Indomitable MAYOR McCallion has run a debt-free city in Ontario 31 years!
All collateral should be kept because it is small and can be liquidated quickly,
or it must be traded for something that IS SMALL and CAN be liquidated quickly.
To keep this Manager HONEST, the deal they get is this:
Whatever they sell they put the money in the Community Account Box.
If the Manager steals money, then Everybody loses their money.
If the Manager is honest and all Collateral can be accounted for;
then after four years, the Manager retires that position
and the Community builds him or her a new home in the Community.
If it is found after the Manager leaves that something was actually missing,
then the new House itself becomes collateral for the Community, and the corrupted Manager must leave it.
Anything which people lawfully obtain can be brought to the Manager for scrutiny
as potential Collateral for future Credit.
What actually tends to happen is that the person deemed Manager
teaches everyone in the Neighborhood, very quickly, what comprises good Collateral and what doesn't.
The outcome of that is, when someone in the Community acquires an inheritance,
a gift they're not really thrilled with, or make a super trade that they can't utilize themselves, guess where they go?
Thus, you can see this Position generates a great deal of focused Value in the Community.
Where possible, a bank safety deposit box is the best and safest place.
All small items (rings, gold or silver coins, estate jewelry, stock portfolios, deeds, lines of credit) must be inventoried, assayed and labeled;
and the bank should be aware that the box is being utilized as a repository for Collateral.
What the bank doesn't need to know is that there is money in there also, when that is the case.
What is true is that, if you look at the level of debt associated with Banking these days,
and the practice of utilizing gasoline and oil revenues as the Main prop for American currency,
it's probably not a good idea to depend on the FDIC to protect your money.
The small amount of interest that is generated is not worth the risk of losing everything.
So, just keep utilizing your local Pawn Broker for loans until the Bank cooperates,
or until your group has set up your own Pawn Shop or Credit Union.
Now your neighborhood needs to think about organizing itself to conduct business
on behalf of its Neighbors.
For that step, you will need an attorney who can discuss with the members of your Group
the kinds of legal organizations which might be suitable for you.
Arriving at such a decision is beyond the scope of this monograph.
2. Swapping clubs--books, tools, furnishings.
The simple fact is, once you start making and keep Promises with your friends,
you will discover what they have and what they are Lacking. It just comes Naturally.
So, what makes sense for the Next Step in Community Building is to Organize
so Everyone else has ACCESS to Essentials, under the Promise System.
Let's say I'm an auto mechanic, and I have most of the tools I need most of the time.
You are a single lady, and you don't know a box-end wrench from an adjustable one.
And John over here sells widgets, and happens to have 16 cases of screwdrivers
that he found in his garage.
Simple. Make a list and pass it around.
ESSENTIAL TOOLS that you can't lend out don't need to be written down
ESSENTIAL and EXTRA tools that can be loaned On A Promise; and
EXTRA tools that can be given away freely or stocked in a Tool Library.
Once the Community Tools List is made up,
Everybody knows what is Present and what is Lacking.
It's Good to do a new Inventory each year, preferably in Autumn.
This is because Men like to receive Tools as wintertime Gifts from their Women.
This same Technique can be utilized for Books, Garden Equipment, Storage Equipment,
Children's Books and Whole Toys, Community Kitchen Equipment, Household items,
as well as for accumulating Surplus Items for Refurbishing and Sale at a Gathering later on.
What occurs in Suburbia is that Each Person must pay to set up an entire workshop,
who does any hand- or craftwork must occupy a house large enough to STORE it all,
must keep track of it ALL.
This is a waste of Family Resources.
Rather, if all Essential Tools are in fact available for checking out, FREE, as required from a Neighborhood Source, the natural outcome of Community
Resource Planning is that Everyone doesn't need to buy Everything.
The costs of Community Resource Planning are two: Secure Space for Stuff and
Supervision during Business Hours.
Secure Space means someone's garage or tool shed with a lock on it.
Supervision during Business Hours means
the Supervisor should have an independent source of income so
s/he can hang around most of the time, keep order and keep track.
In the process of securing Neighborhood Tools, what happens is that Space is created
to handle other FREE Neighborhood Functions.
3. Buying cooperatives--food, fuel, fabrics.
One of the best-kept secrets of modern marketing is that Buying In Lots Is Cheap.
What Stores try to do is to second-guess people's Wants, and Charge For It.
Now that your Neighborhood has a Place to store Tools, Equipment, and Books;
it's a simple, natural Step to begin Group Purchasing of Essentials Staples.
The fact is: Every human needs the SAME ESSENTIALS.
Let's list what Human Essentials consist of:
Clean air--Forest and Land Management, trading for Wisdom where necessary
Clean water--Drain-off Management, inspection, close observation and attendance to effects.
What needs to be understood is that a town can be built on RE-manufacturing
what got wasted prematurely in the Consumer hurry.
This implies a great deal of Recycling and Remaindering.
SALVAGE and Waste Management--Recycling Refurbishing
Infectious Disease Management--Sanitation
Seasonal Crops--grains, nuts, produce, fruits
Continuous Fragile Staples--milk, soy products, bread, greens sprouts
Yarns, threads, Fabrics and notions; or, manufactured clothing shoes.
Wood and all its By-products: paper, chips, logs, planks boards
Stone for permanent structures, drain-off, road-building, and septic systems
* COST *What is TRUE is that everything on this list can be had for FREEEEE where Land is available.
Yes, Life is Free where people have land.
EVEN BEFORE the People have Land FREE AND CLEAR, they can do a lot to Free Themselves
from the DEMANDS of Money:
Layers and Layers of Registrations,
Commuting and all its costs,
Layers and Layers of Taxation,
Obtaining as a Pleasure-Substitute for Companionship,
Obsessing over Collecting Things and Caring for It All, and
The Neglect of Human Essentials, namely, Rest and Fun.
When people purchase in lots and from original sources, cost is minimal:
To benefit from rock-bottom prices, Everyone must give Time and Effort.
And then Just a little bit of money goes a long, long way.
Let's say you are part of a neighborhood that has space for its tools and garden implements,
and you want to move on towards Community Buying. How do you do that?
The same way Retailers do. Shop price and bulk. Buy from growers
and use your time to organize, package, and distribute small amounts to neighbors.
Food co-ops can also buy and distribute lots of wood, meat, 'remainders' of consumer items
including clothes, shoes, and notions, if they keep to Simple sources.
One full-time person can organize a whole operation and save the Community 80% of its food bill;
liberate everyone from half their shopping trips; and provide a venue for comraderie, sharing, and
commonground Good Times that nobody had time for BEFORE.
Buying as a Group FREES EVERYBODY to hang out together and spend time GIVING AWAY
what they want to Get Back.
If the people decide to keep their savings, they can choose whether to spend money on themselves
Ok, to summarize how far we've come.
We have a group of people who decided to start making and keeping Promises to each other.
So they start DOING THINGS for each other that they had never done before.
And the OUTCOME is that they begin to love each other.
So, then they POOL all their tools, books, and equipment so they
only have to buy what nobody already has stored in the Equipment Room.
So, then they start buying commodities and building materials in common
so they don't need to make as much money, and they can have more time to play together.
They begin to spend even more of their time giving each other Essentials.
What they can now expect is to get back TEN times what they are giving away.
Remember, friends are merely giving NON-MONEY Gifts back and forth among THEMSELVES.
Study it. Put it into Practice SO your community thrives on Love.
4. A Skills Bank for Neighboring and Labor SharingNow that you have freed up some capital from mere survival,
it's time to think about the Options which that opens up for you.
Naturally, some of you will jump off at this point,
because there will be special agendas you want to follow.
This is good, because you are now a self-sustaining Community.
But, for those of you who want to PRESS ON to a level of Diversity and Education
never heretofore achieved on this Planet, the way is clear before you, to proceed.
Up til now, you have only utilized one person full-time,
and the rest of the people have only worked cooperatively as Volunteers.
In this step of the Process, you will specialize your labors, so that everyone in the Community
is said to have one or more Functions in which s/he specializes and for which s/he gets Honored.
LAISSEZ FAIRE Vs. A COMMUNITY Utilizing a Skills Center
When Laissez Faire is operating and everyone is doing just what they are accustomed to doing,
it is not possible to coordinate efforts, nor to grow people from one functional area to another
which demands a high degree of Education.
That is to say, there is no way to train occasional volunteers to be midwives, managers, planners,
or decision-makers. All these functions require full-time, dedicated people to work them.
As a result, a Laissez Faire Community will never progress beyond an Aggregation
of common interests and Good Times.
It will never achieve Synergy, Growth, Abundance or Longevity.
To set up a Skills Bank [and later on, a credit union] your Community will need a Computer
and someone whose primary responsibility is managing the databases on it.
Where the money comes from to equip a computer and hire a full-time database/manager
is from the fund or bank checking account which runs Cooperative Purchasing.
It should generate a normal 5% surplus on purchases on each transaction,
as well as add Member contributions in the form of contributed Neighborhood Collateral
or Member Shares in the Legal Corporate Entity.
The Synergy which makes this Fund grow is the savings people retain by buying corporately.
Therefore, one of the primary purposes of the Skills Bank is to ensure that the Fund is well
There needs to be cooperation between the Manager of Collateral and the Manager of Community
during the Buying Process.
This is achieved by permitting each one to look over the shoulder of the other,
and by essentially giving each of them the Same Deal, as above. That way, they compete.
By this time, the Community or Neighborhood has chosen a Way of Being, a Name, and a Mission
A Skills Bank can be either simple or complex.
Simplicity means that it is a list of people, their locations and their phone numbers.
It also means the Tax Man has nothing to look at.
More complex means that there are job orders to fill, hour-for-hour trades to set up,
and strict equivalency rules to follow.
In the case of a complex system, it becomes very difficult to charge off labor at a rate
of Minimum Wage or less, for tax purposes.
If people insist on earning large numbers of dollars, Uncle Sam is going to
want to take 20-30% of it,
and that is a steep penalty for the Ego-gratification of earning high-dollar wages--
especially if all one's Essentials can be acquired without cash money.
The reason the subject of hourly wage comes up in such earnest at the Skills Center
is that outside contractors LOVE to hire skilled workers out of the Skills Center,
literally for peanuts, when the Community gets to the point that Jobs Become Options, not
At the point that Contractors are knocking on the Skills Center Door,
the Tax Man is also probably waiting, hat-in-hand, for his 20-40% cut off the top of wages.
PLUS the added burdens of tax filing, preparation, detailed record-keeping and advance payments.
My point is, there is no way to predict which way Tax Laws are going to go.
But if wages are kept low and labor is kept within the Community itself, then everything
should be all right and remain stable.
If a FEW [no more than 12%] individuals want to work outside--so long as the Community is
adequately staffed and comfortably housed--that shouldn't be a problem.
Mammals like lions and cows sleep 16-20 hours a day.
I get zonked after six hours work because I'm intensely focused.
And the workday in a Town such as this---with all the tertiary socializing that goes into it--
cannot exceed 4 or 5 hours a day, at least not for very long.
So the Skills Bank needs to be organized around the assumption that everyone who works
only does a 4-5 hour shift; and that there are always
two shifts of people to take on any full-day task.
That way, with everything double-booked with help, Things Get Done
because people feel like doing them together, or they get done
because people want to get this finished and go back to something else.
But they get done.
Just as different species of animals operate on different 'clocks,'
people operate from different working archetypes.
So far as we can identify, there are about fourteen archetypes people fall into,
that determine their working styles.
So, the Community needs to adapt its Job Descriptions to the working styles of its people.
1. Cook -- Baker, server, firefighter, emergency medical tech, cook.
These individuals take orders, keep order, and provide physical Stamina to the Community.
2. Farmer-- Groundsman, helper, maintenance man, field hand, gardener.
These individuals care for land and perceive its Real Problems; they promote permaculture, bio- energetic farming, and recycling. Many of them work two shifts because they have burgeoning families with burgeoning Needs. They often cross-train as recycling supervisors.
3. Wood-- Housewife, woodworker, lumberman, horseman, butcher, cowboy.
These individuals adapt people to the natural environment. They understand the Realities of the environment. They never stop working and trying to get things Right, and they have to be forcefully
dislodged from working to rest.
4. Smith-- Mechanic, tool maker, repairman, truck driver, programmer.
These individuals adapt the environment to the people. They want to be busy all the time, and they usually work double-shifts just because they want to. As aged adults, they are adored by their
Apprentices and prized by their customers.
5. Dancer--Athlete, carpenter, bricklayer, dancer, teacher, yoga instructor
These individuals provide the Village with Vitality. They usually split their time between School (teach- ing or learning) and their craft. Always cheerful and outgoing, as they get on in years, quite often they move into the work of direct Caring--for the needs of the Sick or the Elderly.
6. Singer-- Officer, nurse, customer server, choral director, secretary
These individuals provide the Village with Cheer and Harmony. They split their time between helping others and withdrawing into their own private needs.
7. Mason-- Stone workers, road crew, philosopher, poet, artist, actor.
These individuals bring Clarity and Definition, or Beauty, to the Village. They are people whose difficult temperaments make it impossible for them to be centered all the time; so they learn to work through the Dark Side with hard physical labor, and to come out on the Other Side with Insights and Clarity that are
Gifts to the Village. Their Gifts come in the form of Literature, Poetry, Recitation, and Art.
8. Potter-- Maker of dishes, bowls and bricks; Librarian, mortician
These individuals promote Gatherings by providing Containment. Quiet and orderly by Nature, they are disturbed by Mess and driven to provide ways to Keep Things Neat. They are Potters who want to Contain the Whole World in comfort. They want Everything To Match, and will go to great pains to make things that Do. They are ceaseless workers, usually working double-shifts and accruing large Accounts.
9. Tailor-- tailor, seamstress, garbageman, streetsweeper, recycling manager.
These individuals deal with the Need to keep warm and comfortable. These are the people who have come from Great Suffering in the past, and they are working out their Salvation with fear and trembling.
They work double-shifts, and they are afraid to account fully for their time. They also must be dislodged to abide with Rest.
10. Mentor-- Teacher, journeyman, master, supervisor.
These individuals hand down Access to tools, information, and skill. Their minds never stop figuring out how to control things in a Better Way, and they themselves will work as two or three different Archetypes in any given Day. They will only Rest when they know that everyone Else is working. On the Sabbath, they work hard at Resting.
11. Counter -- Banker, accountant, bookkeeper, usher
These individuals compile needed facts and information for decision-making. They have a thin veneer of sociability; but their real interest is the Power that information provides. Managing and motivating 'bean counters' of Integrity is the most difficult job of the Manager, because--competent or incompetent, honest or not--they all have a very pleasant, disarming demeanor.
12. Manager -- Magician, healer, coordinator, recycler, principal.
These individuals make things happen which need to happen. Sometimes they are abrupt and abrasive, sometimes they don't have enough facts to back up their judgments, sometimes they do not truly listen to the people they must direct. Yet, their Integrity lies in the Way they learn to be open with people, to establish strong Expectations, and to work consistently and fairly with the same people year in and year out.
13. Secretary-- Village Secretary, volunteer, bus driver, guide, helper.
These individuals are open to listening to and coordinating needs for the New, the Young, the Sick, the Old and those who are physically Vulnerable for any reason. They are always open to Others; so, they are also always at the point of burning out.
14. Chaplain -- Channel, prophet, teacher, master, guru, guide.
This individual is responsible to All for the condition and circumstances of this Village, for the correct Understanding of Law, and for the Integrity of a Village Elder system.
Having Respect for human archetypes and operating from Fairness,
the Skills Center coordinates tasks and motivate people to meet objectives.
Yet they must never push, only Pull Things Along by their own Good Example.
So, let's recap where we are.
We have one person running the Tools and Equipment Service full-time (on a fixed income);
another swapping and trading Stuff at flea markets to accumulate Collateral (part-time);
and a Third person running the Co-op (part-time).
At this point, Everybody else is still living entirely by the money economy,
but they are beginning to realize some benefits of giving and receiving Promises,
buying cheaply in volume, and working together to distribute staples and plan for the Future--
their Own Community Village, with a Name and a Place and the beginnings of a History.
The Co-op is putting money in the Treasury;
so are individual members who want to be able to get loans from the Collateral group,
to build homes in a new and permanent location.
What this stage implies, now that everyone in the Community has begun to take on REAL JOBS;
is that the time IS COME to finance Development, a Community infrastructure and Homes.
Now comes the time when people--if you'll excuse the expression--
put their money where their mouth IS.
By this time, the Collateral Group has maxed out what it can raise in terms of leverage.
By this time, the people who want to live together have already been looking at
FREE or CHEAP land.
[It must run less than $100 per acre so Development gets funded.]
And they are putting up their homes for sale.
What is true is that land exchanges will always be a feature of community life.
The need for financing will always be present.
The need for a safe place for the Community's money will always exist.
5. Collateral Accounts Converts to Pawn Shop Treasury
At the time everyone begins selling their present homes in order to move to
the Community Site, what becomes necessary is to Conserve All Cash.
Conserving Cash is accomplished by ten separate principles:
Neglect is always more expensive than buying something really extravagant that does the job.
Hopelessness is always revealed by the way people deal with money:
the more money people waste, the less they feel Worthy.
What's Real is that providing Experiences in the Physical is more Holy than providing Things.
Going skiing is less of an extravagance than buying a car, or a boat, or a second home.
For most people, conforming to their Goals is truly a hidden way of conforming to other peoples'
expectations. Free Spirits don't need to Shop, Shop til they Drop.
Although the doctrine of Money is presumed to be Sacred, money doesn't exist in this Galaxy,
except on this Planet.
Providing Money is not the same thing as providing Attentiveness and Caring.
No one else can love your family as well and as competently as you can.
When your life is finished here, the Experiences you have had will convey,
but the things you have won't.
Integrity doesn't work where Money is Abundant; integrity works
where Money is Scarce and Love is Abundant.
Receiving conserves your energy so that you can Give More.
This means that believing you will Get has NO power, but believing that you WILL GIVE
is very powerful, in attracting Good to you.
Gratitude doesn't convey when a person is busy counting up his Gifts.
If you count your chickens before they hatch, they will never hatch.
"The Pawn Shop" is what we call a place to Yield one's Things, to reduce them to Cash.
AND it is where the Community's money must be stored safely.
The person who operates the Pawn Shop (the Treasurer, if you like) cooperates with
the Manager of Collateral, to see to it that all Community members are able to raise enough cash
to get sufficient materials to build their homes in Community.
All collateral and possessions that can be sold at this point, are sold outside the Community
to raise cash; and it will serve to Develop the Community's Toe Hold.
Principles for Cashing Out One's Possessions [without regrets later]
The way one cooperates with Experience is to Cash Out Possessions no longer needed or used.
Sustaining Life is never the Issue; when one sells out mere Stuff,
the Issue for selling it is to Facilitate Change and Growth.
Restoring a house or buying another house is always a waste of money.
Homes age with their People and will be completely re-built for a new family.
A chance to uphold one's Initiation into Service for Humanity is a Good Reason to liquidate.
The death of a family member is another good time to liquidate some things.
Never liquidate the things of a child that dies; always pass them on to extended family's children and use them until they wear out naturally. Death must not be a fearsome thing to the children.
Always liquidate the Things from a marriage that fails, so people can get on with their lives.
Immobilized people always attach to more Stuff than mobile people do. For that reason, the
Community should encourage people to have Yard Sales and Flea Markets regularly.
Conforming to the Goals of the Community needn't mean that a person CANNOT collect or liquidate
something Special--stamps, coins, pot sherds--which are not killed to be put on display.
Finally, what is Sacred is to uphold the Law of Harmlessness. Guns and ammunition are not
appropriate for selling in a community devoted to Peace;
but a weapon which is devoted to hunting an occasional deer in winter months
can change hands without much fanfare. Weapons "represent" freedom to make choices.
When the Coven-ment (government by witchcraft) takes all the weapons, what's left is slavery.
The way to establish the People's Treasury is simple.
Let the people give all their cash money to the Treasurer, and s/he puts it all together.
No notice is made of Who Gives How Much.
If the Intention of the People is to sustain the Will of the Community,
then it doesn't much matter which piece of cash serves what function.
Once the Community is built and furnished, then people will do outside work for pocket money.
Now, however, following the leadings of Community means that people must invest everything
they happen to have in its infrastructure.
The people--because they have cast their bread upon the waters--can also expect that all their
real physical and emotional needs will be met, yet while they have no cash reserves whatsoever.
This is The Way a Developing Community must invest in itself, before it can function as a town.
What happens later is what happens later.
And this is why a Newcomer who has not invested in the Beginnings of the Town
will always be a Newcomer; why towns coalesce when the people who invested in it at first,
come and dissipate when the Founders go.
Towns which learn to hang-on from generation to generation are often quite stagnant and immobile.
If what we are saying about adaptability of towns is true, if what people tend to do is
to want to establish a town of their own in their lifetime and leave the town behind when they die,
then the outcome of this Reality is that Free Land is Essential.
The development and adaptation of Free Towns gives each Generation the opportunity to establish
its Own Towns, so long as the land is never disrupted too much.
That is how tribal lands of Native Americans were operated for generation after generation,
until white people took over and taught everyone to treat land as if people could own it.
People who want the Planet to Thrive as well as themselves will not pretend to own the Land;
they will simply utilize and enjoy the land during their lifetime, and they will form legal covenants
which will provide that their children can do likewise: live FREEly on FREE land.
For example, Google Land Trust
What Man can now take from Native American culture is their learned ability to live transparently,
to pool their resources, and to only leave footsteps behind.
For example, Google The Rainbow People
6. Recycling, Refurbishing and Crafts Center.
This is a good time to talk about the Presence and Long-term Effects of Technology
on the Eco-system, on the ability of the People to travel to the Stars, and
on the Towns where people want to live.
If someone were to claim that God doesn't support space travel, then the question arises:
How does He Himself get around?
If God Himself is a Space Traveler and if He supports space travel for humans, then HOW--
with Simple Technology as the Town Concept implies--will people EVER travel
out there to the Stars?
The FACT is, Simple technology (zero-grav harmonics) built the Pyramids.
Simple technology built up electronic theory [Tesla];
and simple technology will be the basis for Space Travel--not overblown NASA bureaucracy--
just Clarity, just Ingenuity, just people working Together.
It's already happening. In California there is a group of amateur rocket hobbyists who are working
on a project to orbit their own space craft, as we speak.
Leadership means taking initiatives; keeping people safe; showing how; and motivating.
What relevance has Space Travel to a Town?
Modern Technology is a veritable STOREHOUSE of Waste!
But ONLY LEADERSHIP will see the potential in JUNK, and figure out what to do.
ONLY LEADERSHIP will consider all the steps necessary for safety as well as gain.
ONLY LEADERSHIP will think about Right Place, Right Time, Right Way.
LEADERSHIP is more of a Gift, than it is a Skill.
A six-year old can lead; a sixty-year-old may not have the first idea about leading.
That's why and where Prayer is the Source of Leadings; and why Experience is only relative.
If you don't have visionary Leaders, you don't have Leaders at all.
Real leaders may even sound kooky sometimes, because their ideas outrun them.
Well, that's a lot better than having no ideas to work from.
Cherish those among you, who have the Gift, the God-given Gift, of leadership.
Don't niggle them to death, as a death by the nibbling of ducks!
Many of the people who come to live in money-free Towns will do their share of The Work
by salvaging what wasteful people thoughtlessly discard:
old computers, business equipment, testing equipment, metal panels,
old hand-operated machining equipment.
People today toss out technology--without thinking--that took thousands of years to dream up,
millions of dollars to build, and which will require a million years or more
to compose back into the ground. So, why not just RE-USE it?
A Town Center for Recycling, Refurbishing and Crafts will be the HUB of activity
for people who's Clarity resides with Things: salvaging, re-engineering, re-working, adapting.
Everything salvageable which is not contaminated with Death or Disease
is AN OPPORTUNITY to build up the town,
so long as there is a person on board who knows what to DO WITH IT.
If there are woodworkers in your Town, THEN salvage old furniture.
If there are have metal workers, THEN salvage cars and machines.
If there are electronics techs, THEN salvage computers.
But, NEVER get what you can't FIX up or profit from.
A re-cycling and refurbishing Center will be the third continuous Work Place in Town.
It should probably be located in close proximity to both the Tool Bank
(for access to different kinds of tools) and to the Co-Op
(where Free and Nutritious lunches can be served to workers).
This Work Place, however, will require extensive Storage Facilities,
to warehouse junk, unrenewable materials and recyclables that may not be used now,
or for decades--yet must remain close at hand.
Probably the best way to deal with that problem is to build a bunker-like
below-grade storage facility, and berm it all around with mounds of grass and greenery,
so it is not visible, and neither detracts from the ambiance of the Town itself
nor puts recycle-able metals at risk of being stolen.
On the other hand, all crafts-people can work out in the open in public view;
because Visitors will want to participate, buy and trade with creative craftsmen.
Remember, always structure and lay out your Town so its Best Foot is in view;
and its necessary Parts are out-of-sight of Visitors, who come with Cash and Goodwill.
The Purpose of the Laws of God is to teach Awareness of Causes and Effects;
of Justice; of Fairness.
The Purpose of laying out a Town before you build it is to
Get Past the Inertia of Distance and Time.
Making Work Easy has the same Effect as Not Being Dependent on Working.
Specifying where Functions need To Occur is the Same as
Having a Large Effect with a Small Movement.
Finally, linking all the parts Together with a Single Sustaining Road is the same as
Intending that Opportunities will Succeed.
To recap: You have money in the Treasury from cashed out Collateral.
You have purchased 100-200 covered plastic garbage bins to ease the Transition
from a money economy to Free-dom [for 50 people].
You have found FREE WasteLand that has a WaterShed. [Wells are risky.]
The Land must be hilly-at-least, for drainage, for privacy.
FlatLand is dangerous to live on, open and vulnerable.
You have left your house, and you have left all your Nice Things with Others
for SafeKeeping until the Road is built and your Tent is at Rest.
There will be a Gathering when you Reclaim your Good Life Stuff, later.
YEAR ONE--March through November
You must locate a Great Source of crushed rock, stones, and gravel; or concrete.
You must have moved your Tools, Books, and scavenged building materials onto the land,
in tents and caves on higher ground, away from water.
Your temporary Co-op tent is set up on High Ground, and all foodstuffs are stored away
(caves are best; shaded, sealed garbage bins, okay) and protected from heat, bugs, and animals.
The people are now housed in trailers and tents, near the Co-Op and Work Groups.
There is a Tent for young children and a Tent for Older Children,
and the work of an Older Child is to teach a Younger One, one-on-one.
There is a bathing Tent for Men and one for Women.
You must now dig all your latrines over the hill so that, when flooded, they RunOff
in the Direction AWAY from the Town Water Supply, which is Holy.
There must be plenty of good-tasting, natural food to feed the workers,
so they do not get sick working in Rain and Mud four hours a day.
So you must have sufficient money to buy staple foods for everyone for 18 months;
amounting to a total of ten sacks of grains/nuts/beans per person for that time period.
During Spring, the rainy season, you all can see how the WaterShed works,
and you must adapt yourselves to its Ways.
You must capture all the fresh drinking water you can, in clean plastic garbage bins,
with lids on them. Eventually, you will build cisterns.
If well water is available, cap it off for now; or test it daily for pollution diseases.
Plan to capture and keep five gallons of rainwater per person per rainy day,
until your water system is in place.
Remember, you are here to learn to GET OUT OF THE WAY of Trouble and Pain.
Your Road will either make it Easy for you or Hard for you to Live.
It will take a year to build this road, with all the Help you can muster.
After that, everything Else will seem Easy.
Walk your land.
Also, model your piece from a topo map with clay until it's obvioius where the Road must go,
To Reach Everything, to circle around and Come Right Back to where it started.
Hire a professional surveyor to mark out its boundaries in their Right Places,
So the Road will be Upright and Level, not suffering from Washout.
Roads are built on your world as a convex curve that drains water off the edges.
This is inappropriate, unsafe, and inefficient to build.
Rethink how a road needs to be built.
A road, to be safe, needs to travel One Way Only, in a circle, so
it's Easy to get back to the Beginning.
That way, the road only needs to be eight feet wide--not eighty-feet wide.
That way, the road does not intrude into the landscape, and it is invisible from the air,
where trees tower overhead. This is good.
Being unintrusive means the Tax Man does not Notice your comfort.
A CONCAVE road runs water down the center of itself,
particularly if a deep center trench is filled with large stones to permit water to drain easily.
But what is best about a concave road is that turn-overs are rare;
groundcovers are not In The Way; staying to the center of the road is Natural and Easy;
the absence of on-coming Traffic makes the Road Safe;
the Road takes up little space, fewer materials; and it is easy to keep.
An efficient road must consist of Loops that return to Center.
It must accommodate Drainage, scraping of snow, and be weed-free.
The way to accomplish all these criteria is to utilize crushed Rock, Layer upon layer,
wheel barrow load by wheel barrow load.
Where the Center Drainage Trench is dug 12" across and stone-filled,
only the body of cars, wagons, or trucks will pass.
From the large center rocks outward, new gravel can be added each year,
to supplement what is already there.
Ruts will be filled in with gravel. Washboards will be filled in with gravel.
Pot-holes will be filled in with gravel. Weed-patches will be filled in with gravel.
Drainage ditches will be regularly washed clear, to facilitate water flow.
Plan for fully 12" of gravel to be finally built up, before the Road stays put.
If more and larger rocks are needed to fill over an enclosed culvert, that works too.
The first winter is always hard.
Some people will go home to families to wait out bad weather.
Some people will hunker down in campers.
Some will give up entirely.
But the people who Stay, will Stay Forever.
As the Road is built up, land nearby can be developed, even if the Circle is not yet completed.
Let a Jitney help people move around to their Places.
Eleven times a day, let it circle about,
And bring people and materials and belongings Around,
So cars are not e'en thought of.
It's better to have one jitney for fifty families than a score of cars and busses.
Now your Honored Places must be dealt with:
Tool and Book Library and the School, Food Co-op and the Refurbishing Center,
[and your hidden stores of recyclables], Skills Center and Administrators' Offices,
all must serve within stones' throw of each other.
Your Churches will arise where the People sense What is Holy.
Arts and Trade Shops will locate near the Center of Town.
The Clinic or Hospital need to be where Quiet overrules Business.
When the People deal with Placement BEFORE construction begins,
Then they save themselves thousands of steps, hundreds of hours, myriads of minutes
for Companionship, for Art, for Play and for Reflection.
Let there be a regular Time of Silence When Everyone is Assembled,
To reflect on and visualize the Town in its Glory Days.
And then, when Glory Days do arrive, It will be EXACTLY SO.
8. Seasonal Gatherings
have a trade-off: they encourage Trade and Industry, but they also encourage Disease.
Fundamental transactions that promote Abundance always occur where People Gather.
Yet, this Script is being written in a time of Plague: AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis viruses.
Therefore, we will proceed with an Assumption that Disease Hunger are working,
so future Generations will not be undermined by Gatherings intended to Thrive the People.
When a new virus emerges, that is Gaia's Response to crowding and filth.
The Belief that Disease is exchanged where people are physically Touching or breathing
the same air is Inaccurate, in and of itself.
What makes Disease progress is permitting germs and viruses to multiply.
In a Context in which Healthy Practices are adopted, Diseases will not spread.
Diseases always change in Time--unpredictably.
So, Focusing on keeping Things germ-free is always good Practice.
Isolating people who have Dis-ease is always good Practice.
Mating appropriately is good Practice.
Mating to breed and rear Strong Children is one Good Goal;
but Mating for Love and Restoration of the Soul is Another.
And in either case, Cleanliness and Discipline Inhibit the spread of Diseases.
Before a Gathering can take place, latrines must be dug downstream from the Gathering Area.
The same latrines can be re-dug each year without odor if food waste, compost and
kitchen clean-up water solution] are thrown on top of human waste before it is filled back in
at the end of a Gathering.
By next year, the soil will smell sweet once more because the soap and bleach will break it down.
This is because fly eggs cannot live in the presence of bleach and soap, but worms can.
To share meals with others, each Family must bring 3 buckets, soap, chlorine bleach, bowls, cups,
spoons and a knife to keep and use and be responsible for.
If after each meal, everything is washed in soapy water in Bucket #1, rinsed in clear water in #2,
and dipped in a 1-2 T. bleach solution in #3, disease will not spread.
Then, throw soapy water and the bleach water into the latrine.
Every person must wash his or her hands with Soap AFTER using the latrine,
digging in the garden, handling money, sneezing, picking their nose, or touching animals.
and BEFORE preparing food, treating a wound, making love, or touching another person's face.
Due to the prevalence of foot fungi, it is also good practice to scrub feet with a brush, soap and
water and a 1T. vinegar to 1c water rinse when one comes in from working in hot shoes or bare feet.
Dirty clothes incubate bacteria and odor; take a shower and wash your clothes every day.
Let's assume the worst: let's assume that your Gathering is taking place in the
middle of a lethal epidemic.
What can be done to protect the Healthy, and comfort the Afflicted?
- First, each person who arrives feverish, tired, headachy, upset stomach, in pain,
with skin eruptions or emotionally disrupted must get from Stores a pup tent, cot, blanket,
towel, five gallons of fresh drinking water, and electrolytic supplements.
2. If s/he has arrived alone, s/he is settled with other similarly Sick who help each other;
- If they arrive as a family, the family is charged with attending to them, keeping them clean
and feeding them--at the north end of the camping area, so all the Sick are centralized.
- If the whole family is sick and helpless, the family is settled at the furthest
of the Gathering, downstream and downwind, and accommodated with any Volunteer help
that may happen to turn up.
- When the Gathering matures, good practice dictates that the host Community build a
weather-proof Shelter for just such occurrences.
6. The sick are fed off paper plates and cups, and everything they use is burned.
7. They are bathed by their parents, siblings, children or volunteers as often as need be;
and their clothes in the tub with them, with vinegar or bicarb of soda and warm water,
so their clothes can be handled safely afterwards.
8. Clothes are hung out in the sun to dry; and the Sick One is provided with a simple
chemise to wear and alternate with their own clothes, for each washing up, until
the Gathering is ended.
9. No one who is sick may sleep with anyone else.
10. If the people want to come to lay hands on the Sick for Healing, that is an Option.
11. If the Sick are still Sick at the end of the Gathering, a Judgment can be made that
Karma [Cause & Effect] is working, and the Town must provide for the Sick until
they can all Go Home, to their Families or to God.
1. Familiarity breeds.
2. Relationships that begin in secrecy and sin reap a karmic cost of dissolution later on. Or, they result in a karmic pregnancy that people want to terminate. ... Destruction is never a blessing. Life is not the problem. The problem is lack of commitment between sexual partners, who breed without regard for the costs or consequences. Abortion may be a short-term merciful end to a Harsh Experience of Childhood, but it is not an experience that I abide with or favor. What is preferable is to place such a child for adoption by Abiding with Favor parents in a Lawful Community, to be reared as a potential Ascender.
3. The Plagues that exist are primarily sexually-transmitted.
4. For people who are already married, Gatherings are a Business Opportunity, a discipline.
5. For people who are Single, Gatherings will advertise not only their physical prowess or beauty,
but also highlight Obsessions, Confusion and Alienation which are at work.
6. Thus, Gatherings are a Test of Character for All.
1. Sex is messy, and not an appropriate activity for Public Display.
2. Sex has health and breeding consequences that can mar a person's Experience. An of a failed romance is unwanted pregnancy and the necessity to decide to accept A child or abort it: ". . . .Destruction is never a blessing. Life is not the problem." The problem is lack of commitment between sexual partners who breed without regard for costs or outcomes. Abortion may be a short-term merciful end to a harsh experience of Childhood, but it is not an experience to abide with or favor. What is preferable is that the child should be adopted into a distant Abiding with Favor Community as a potential Ascendant; for most Ascendants tend to come from mixed backgrounds, and they have very difficult and troublesome youth experiences.
3. Everybody knows who doing what with whom. You're all psychic anyway.
So there's really No Way to 'get away with it' at a Gathering.
4. Let that be so. Let Vitality serve as an End in Itself.
5. People who become Friends at Gatherings can take up a more serious relationship at a later,
more appropriate time.
8. * T H E * G A T H E R I N G S -- Miracles in the Making
The Law Abides with Love by Sharing, Thanksgiving, and Evoking Natural Profits.
This Planet was set up to express the Gifts of Free Will and Manifest Miracles.
When all humans are educated in Integrity, Then Free Will and Manifest Miracles
provides for Everyone, without Servitude.
God never intended that people should be subject to the rules of Impersonal Entities.
Today the People have no way to exchange or trade values and skills
because everything they do is attached to money and to taxation;
because counting pennies is favored over counting favors, gifts, and love.
because buying and selling are limited to Corporate Rules.
Thus it is: God provides.
Here is the Way Business Is Done where Free Will and Miracles are permitted to manifest.
8.1 *THE SEASONAL GATHERING* A Place of Tent and Meeting *
Competence and cooperation are taught; Delight Itself provides a process for Change
and the People Open to new Tools of Knowledge.
We call this Gathering a Free Gathering because Admission is not an issue;
only the costs incurred in travelling and setting up Camp and Business--
with food to share and to spare--fall on the Participants.
Camp space, water, sanitation, staple foods, emergency care, child care and Entertainment
are all part of the Program.
So is Voluntary Helping Out and Cooperating with the Rules, part of the Program.
Preparations are based on an Expectation to competently handle ten times a Town's population.
First, a count needs to be taken, of the number of people who are working to Cooperate.
Each activity needs to be arranged so hundreds of people can sit down comfortably and see it.
What will profit everybody is if Every Visitor has a Good Time.
The people who are going to Present Perform at the Gathering need to come forward and be counted.
Everyone needs to be able to Hear what Speakers and Performers are Saying;
Sound Systems will need to be set up.
A Stage Crew needs to know when and where things will have to be brought up and taken down.
Competence shows in Preparation, in the presence or absence of Music, Lighting, and Program.
Free Spirits are always open to Suggestions; so is a FREE Gathering, open to Suggestions and
Keeping everyone Healthy is a primary consideration, or the Gathering will have a Bad Outcome.
The main feature of a Gathering is giving people a Reason to mingle, relate, and
sense what is Sacred.
Thus a Gathering can deal with Anything contained in the Sum of Life that people favor.
This is where peoples' works find Acceptance and a ready Market.
What is appropriate at a Gathering is whatever is Safe and Interesting
Whatever deals with Awareness--of Time, of Beauty, of Sound, of Harmony--is On Display.
Opportunities to Try It Out, Try It On, Open It Up, and Look At That are all around you.
What happens is that Individuals evoke Feelings, manifest Desires, make Agreements, and Wake Up.
And the Will bears all things, with Grace and Candor. This is a Good Discipline.
The Miracle that Everyone will Witness is the Miracle that everyone who comes today
Gets their Needs Met, Without Money and Without Price.
First, Individuals with items to give, share or swap come up on stage to talk about
what they brought; and they get a round of applause;
then they are sent out to the booths to have their gifts counted and their Currency filled out
and validated. [And then they come back in at the Front.]
Individuals with services that they perform for people are called on stage
to tell about their Services; and when they get a round of applause,
they are sent out to the booths in Back to have their schedules drawn up
and Currency validated. [And then they come back in through the Front.]
Individuals with skills they have that can be adapted to Helping Out
come forward to speak, and when they receive a round of applause,
they are sent out to the Booths in Back to have their schedules drawn up and
their Currency validated, so they can spend it. [And then they come back in the Front.]
[Some people have now been On Stage receiving Applause THREE TIMES--
and they are Hyped.] Now it's time for Obtaining the Experience of Obtaining.
Selecting Who gets their Preferences first is simple: the One with the Most Currency WINS.
[Most people already have in mind what it is that they WANT;
they're just looking for the SOURCE of their Desires.
Now we are going to make it easy for them to get what they truly desire.]
And the first one who WINS must speak his/her Fondest Wish.
And everybody in the Audience looks around to see who or where
this Wish Might Be Hiding.
And then someone will say, 'I've GOT IT!'
And then it moves to the next one with the most money; and that one tells
his or her Fondest Wish;
and again, everybody in the Audience looks around
to see who or where this Wish Might be Hiding.
And then someone will say, 'I've GOT IT!'
[It NEVER fails. In this type of Crowd, someone always does GOT IT.]
And on and on it goes, until the only people left are the ones who have No Currency.
So the Master of Ceremonies says,
'Now we will see a Miracle for those without money and without Price!'
[These are the people who are sick or afflicted, or new, or scared.]
All these people are brought together on Stage
[while the ones with Money are busy bargaining and trading their Currency],
and some light music is playing.
While the Participants are trading their currencies, they hold a little Back, just in case
Someone is In Need in the Final Group.
Then the Pastor/Prophet/Guru/Seer comes into the middle of the Group and
invokes a Blessing on this Group, and s/he says,
'What you give unto others, will be given unto you.
What do you have in your pocket or purse that you can give to somebody?'
So the people who are sick bring out a handkerchief, or a roll of Tums;
and the new person brings out a little money [because they still live by money],
and the scared person brings out a lucky charm.
And each one puts their token into a colorful hat.
And then each one is asked if they have seen something they liked or wanted
or needed in all the program.
And they'll always say, Yes, they did.
So whatever that WAS will be given to them; and all that is asked of them
is the token from their pocket. Thus Everybody Wins.
And then the Pastor/Prophet/Guru/Seer gives an Invocation,
and everybody goes to the Dining Tent for a light meal
and the Gathering is Complete.
Most communities can only sustain One Such Gathering in a year;
and the people will begin working on the Next Year's Gathering
the week after this one is over.
This is the end of the module devoted to Living Without Depending on MONEY.