"You have become addicted to our medicine through which we have become your absolute masters..."
"A dissatisfied people are pawns in our game of world conquest."
seems clearer every day that the moral problem of our age is concerned
with the love of money, with the habitual appeal to the money motive in
9/10 of the activities of life. Religions ...have less and less interest
for most people...just because they do not touch ...on these essential
-John Maynard Keyes (1925)
don't realize that society is a giant behaviour modification
laboratory. The goal is to enslave us mentally and spiritually, and
ultimately physically.
The Illuminati's Secret Weapon - Sin
Updated from Jan 10, 2014
by Henry Makow PhD
An Illuminati member sent shivers down my spine when he echoed my words.
In an article "Entertained to Death," posted in December, 2015, I said people today are "externalized." We seek happiness outside of our true selves, i.e. our soul.

about the Patriot Act and the NSA. Our enslavement takes a much
more subtle and pervasive form. Truly, we are unconscious victims of a
diabolical spiritual attack.
First my description.
We are "feel good" addicts. We need a cocktail of money, sex, knowledge, drugs, purchases, hits, "likes," food, love, praise, etc. If we make our quota, ego is happy. We had a good day.
this habit degrades us and makes us feel empty. We have displaced
our soul-identity and identified with our "wants" instead.
my article, I compared our souls to the light bulb in a slide
projector. We covet the slideshow displayed on a screen. "Wanting" them
makes us miserable. We may not get them; or even when we do, we find
they are a chimera. The mind is a prison where the soul is tortured by thoughts. The key is to not identify with the slides ("thoughts") but with the light.
is no mystery about religion. It is simply obeying God's voice speaking
through the soul. This is not an option. We cannot thrive and find
happiness without obeying His directives. "Sin" is being enslaved
to material desire instead.
"The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not Want."
we don't want to be beggars, we must say, "I have enough" and renounce
the pursuit of money. Marriage is the way to say I have "enough" when it
comes to sex.
Instead of arranging our beggar bowls each day, we must serve God instead. Define
what that means for you. For me, it means dedicating every thought and
deed to Him. It means dedicating my life to a spiritual ideal, like
Truth, Beauty, Love (service, family) or Justice. It means
praising and thanking God for the gift of life and the miracle of
creation. (I don't pretend to have mastered this.)
It means shutting out the world and vibrating according to an inner voice. God is Consciousness, a spiritual dimension we enter only by rededicating and purifying ourselves.
is the basis of all true religions. The scary thing is that the
Illuminati understand this and deliberately sabotage this process (the
devil's work.)

(Left, "Masters of Sex" promotes Cabalist gospel that sex and relationships are the meaning of life.)
people never realize that we offer them only worthless baubles that
cannot bring fulfillment. They procure one and consume it and are not
filled. We present another. We have an infinite number of outward
distractions, to the extent that life cannot again turn inward to find
its definite fulfillment. You have become addicted to our medicine
through which we have become your absolute masters..."
have converted the people to our philosophy of getting and acquiring so
that they will never be satisfied. A dissatisfied people are pawns in
our game of world conquest. Thus, they are always seeking and never able
to find satisfaction. The very moment they seek happiness outside
themselves, they become our willing servants."
Illuminati Jews display a deep spiritual understanding. If we had a
first-hand connection to God, we would need nothing else. Because we
don't, they can mystify and sell us baubles to fill the vacuum- sex, romantic love, art, knowledge, toys etc.
suffer from this ailment themselves. Rosenthal gave this
revealing interview, which ultimately cost him his life, to get some
"gambling money."

Hill in The Wolf of Wall Street which celebrates greed, sex and
dishonesty. Uses the f-word three times per minute.)
of us see sin in terms of human frailty. We don't realize that society
is organized by Satanists to entrap us. It is a giant behaviour
modification laboratory. The goal is to enslave us mentally and
spiritually, and ultimately physically.
Wherever something degrades us and distracts from Truth,
we will find Illuminati Jews and Masons pulling the levers: War. Sexual
liberation. Pornography. The stock market. Sexual deviance. Movies and
TV preaching the liberal gospel.
we find ugliness being promoted as beautiful, lies promoted as truth,
evil promoted as goodness, and sickness promoted as health, we will find
these people. Wherever evil is
advocated as "tolerance", and self-discipline is condemned as
"repression", you will find these satanists who preach "do as thou
Forgive them father, for they know not what they do.
cannot afford to be naive about the world in which we live. At the same
time, we can still find true happiness personally. Belief in God is
really a belief in oneself. Not because we are God, which is ridiculous,
but because we answer to no one but God. We live in the Spirit of God
and need nothing else. That's why the illuminati have worked hard to displace God and become our master. Without the God connection our lioves are trivial.
Essel said (July 28, 2019):
You make it clear yourself: "We are not God, it is ridiculous". In fact, man is a creature, a contingent being, not necessary, a creation of God, which is the only necessary being. From the point of view of being, there is therefore an irrefutable distinction to be made between God and man. But distinction is not separation, the Master can communicate with his creatures and He has allowed man to know Him and to know the purpose of their earthly acts, which is the beatific vision after death: to see Him face to face (i.e. Good, True, Beautiful) and to participate in his intimate life.
It is therefore absolutely impossible to say, by semantic shift, that man's happiness is found in man, nor therefore to assign a purely human and earthly end to his actions. This would mean affirming that there is a plot (a "spark") of divinity in man, a thesis common to all gnoses.
Man's happiness is perfectly external to man, it is in no way in itself, since it resides in the possession of God post mortem. But, be careful, it is also external to creation (the universe and what it contains), unlike what Satan's followers push us towards by making us chase after money, sex, etc.
In these conditions, to affirm both that all our thoughts are turned towards the Almighty God to whom we must obey and that we possess in ourselves, thanks to the very malleable consciousness, all that is needed to achieve this is the fold of contradiction in which the devil hides himself because by doing so, we are in fact obeying only ourselves, while affirming to obey God in the mouth.