A Challenge To Senators Clinton, Obama and Mccain...

In light of recent comments made by the senators regarding the origins of HIV/AIDS...

Please explain U.S. House Bill 15090 (below)...

Bill H.R. 15090, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act FY 1970, became Public Law 91-171...a copy of H.R. 15090, as passed by both houses and signed by President Richard Nixon, can be found in the Statutes at Large in volume 83 Page 469.

The Statutes at Large can be located in most law libraries and large regional public libraries.


after that, please explain the relationship between HR15090/PL 91-171 and the U.S. Special Virus Cancer Program, which operated officially under NIH/NCI between 1962 and 1978.

the U.S. government spent nearly $550 million dollars on the U.S. Special Virus Cancer Program over its course (budget on page 5 of linked report). The documentation of the U.S. Special Virus Cancer Program provides compelling evidence of the laboratory creation of HIV.

budget: http://www.mikehagan.com/USSVCP_1978.pdf
password: phasefive1978 

flowchart: http://www.mikehagan.com/USSPECIALVIRUSFC.jpg

email comments: orbitradio@aol.com



Kent Moedl Steadman (1942 - 2008)

Kent Moedl Steadman (1942 - 2008) was born January 17, 1942, during a snow storm at his great-Aunt Mary’s in Sandy, UT. In much the same way as he entered, Kent left this world at the age of 66, when his heart gave out while playing in the snow with his grandson at his home in Burien, WA.

Kent received his Master's of Arts from Brigham Young University in Utah. He was a highly respected art teacher at Fresno City College for 23 years. After retirement, Kent continued to serve as a mentor and teach others about the art of love, intelligence, creativity, and compassion. Born with a disability that he overcame through art and music, Kent understood the joy of being different. A troubadour and vagabond, many will remember his music, which he believed to be the true expression of the soul. Kent was a pioneer on the internet with his site, http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/, where he shared his philosophy with many people. His playful sense of humor always charmed and uplifted his friends and loved ones.

He was preceded in death by his father, F. Moedl Steadman; mother, Leah Steadman; brother, F. Bruce Steadman. He is survived by his wife, Wendy Steadman; brothers, Stan, Dave, Randy, and Lee Steadman; children, Shannon, Amber, Leah and Brian; grandson, Quentin Camp. We will be honoring his life with music, art, friends, and family.

To all in the orbit community,

We would like to extend our thanks to you for the years your support has brought love and joy into Kent's life. He devoted his life to finding the unique and extraodinary and on this journey you were his friends, and in many ways a second family. To those of you who've sent your condolences and shared your words of encouragement with us. Your thoughts have brought much needed solace to our hearts.

The Steadman Family

RADIORBIT  LISTEN 04-14-08 Kent Steadman


Aerial view of CERN near Geneva in Switzerland showing the path of the tunnel for the LHC

Status  CERN LHC will be in production mode on the 21. of May 2008 Comments

SLEUTHS: Please help keep watch for forthcoming test activity at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

They are trying to find the God Particle which may or may not exist.
If there is no underlying particle what we now call physics is 
rather over.

"What is at the basis of Everything?"

Greatest experiment ever in particle physics nears countdown  GENEVA (AFP) — In a vast circular underground tunnel below the French-Swiss border, the final pieces of a gigantic machine are being set in place for an extraordinary investigation into the infinitely small at CERN: Europe's atom-smashing laboratory.

LHC - Large Hadron Collider - Messing with the unknown

Subject: Large Hadron Collider - Risk of a Black Hole - Dennis Overbye - Physics - New York Times Date: 4/15/2008 7:47:53 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time

A not entirely reassuring article about the new Hadron Collider that is about to be fired up at CERN. While it has always been true that all experiments carry with them the risk that something will go wrong, I am not completely comfortable with experiments that include a risk of total annihilation of the Earth.

Asking a Judge to Save the World, and Maybe a Whole Lot More  More fighting in Iraq. Somalia in chaos. People in this country can’t afford their mortgages and in some places now they can’t even afford rice. None of this nor the rest of the grimness on the front page today will matter a bit, though, if two men pursuing a lawsuit in federal court in Hawaii turn out to be right. They think a giant particle accelerator that will begin smashing protons together outside Geneva this summer might produce a black hole or something else that will spell the end of the Earth — and maybe the universe.

Lawsuit: Huge Atom Smasher Could Destroy World  Particle accelerator project sued on fears it will destroy the planet  The Potential for Danger in Particle Collider Experiments  Comments

Spawned at Cern:  Superfast internet may replace world wide web 2 The power of the grid will be unlocked this summer with the switching on of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a new particle accelerator designed to investigate how the universe began.  The grid will be turned on at the same time to store the information it generates, after scientists at Cern, based near Geneva, realised the internet would not have the capacity to capture such huge volumes of data.  The DataGrid Project 2  Comment: Combine this with quantum chips with no wiring for computers that "boot up almost instantly" and that part of our future doesn't look half bad 'eh?  The OpenSimulator Project

3/30/2008 3:56:40 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time

Comment: Maybe it would be better to just let it implode. Wasting all this $, on a collider, when we should have anti-gravity, instead of phantom physics. Everything built upon the false concept of neutrinos, a desperate solution to save relativity, since the 30's is mathematical science fiction.

Inside the Largest Laser and Fusion Chamber in the World


Date: 6/15/00 2:09:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Attached are some interesting images taken at the Star and Phenix (now Phobos?) detectors which are part of RHIC. These images show a number of anomalies called orbs. I have taken many pictures of these curious objects on film as well. I have also seen them with my eyes.

Physicists Strive to Build A Black Hole  Black holes in production in New York 


UPDATE [4/07/08]: Kent is now outpatient Providence [Swedish] Hospital Cardiac Unit to ongoing treat Congestive heart failure.  Basically about 40 lbs of water was removed from body.  Good news Kent can now breathe.  Bad news Docs have Kent on a short tether trying to strengthen heart.

PATRONS: Very VERY grateful for recent help.  Doing my best to get back in groove.

NOTE: Know what? I am discovering that getting sick is a lot of freakin work!  Due to hospitalization, outpatient demands, bills and insurance/financial efforts, etc. I  have gotten behind on burning, packaging and shipping the few orders for the ORBIT DVD. This week is catch up.  DVD Email?  

Co-Payments Soar for Drugs With High Prices  Stem cells made to mimic disease


U.S. to televise Guantanamo trials to 9-11 families  The U.S. military will televise the Guantanamo trial of accused September 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and five other suspects so relatives of those killed in the attacks can watch on the U.S. mainland... The CIA held Mohammed in a secret prison for years and acknowledged interrogating him with methods that included the simulated drowning technique known as waterboarding.
Pope Benedict XVI arrived safely in Maryland Tuesday for his first papal visit to the United States after a seven-hour plane trip during which he said he was "deeply ashamed" of the clergy sex scandal that has rocked the Roman Catholic Church. President Bush greeted the smiling pontiff on a red carpet laid out on the windy tarmac at Andrews Air Force Base at about 4:11 p.m., 20 minutes after the Alitalia plane Shepherd One touched down. Benedict waved to a cheering crowd of thousands who waited for hours to watch the pope's emergence U.S. soil.

Siezing Water: The Water Restoration Act of 2007  Biggest grain exporters halt foreign sales

Bush and Cheney's march toward fascism goes on  Fourth Amendment Does Not Apply To Military Operations Within U.S.?

Carlyle Group's Plan to Takeover the Banking System  Israel sends tanks, bulldozers into Gaza

U.N. Official Calls for Study Of Neocons' Role in 9/11  US Strikes Kill 10 in Iraq, Bush to Halt Troop Cuts   Powell: Troops in Iraq Must Be Reduced
BEASTY-BLATHER: For myself comparative religion is a case of dumb and dumber, or worse, the cockeyed Crusade and which tribal Grunt gets to brandish the current dripping severed head.--Kent  McCain ‘Very Honored’ By Support Of Pastor Preaching ‘End-Time Confrontation With Iran’  The United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God’s plan for both Israel and the West… a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran, which will lead to the Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming of Christ.--pipsqueak Pastor John Hagee  Comments

INTERNET MESSAGE 4/16/08: comment for "BEASTY-BLATHER" - Hagee is on some very loose soil.. he has succumbed to the same intellectual woes that has plagued the current administration - ignoring reality and hand picking 'sources' that only support their self-imposed delusions. I am starting to wonder if we are seeing what Paul described as: "in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness."

Cheney, Others OK'd Harsh Interrogations  

King County facing possible budget meltdown
Jesse Ventura has had many lives—as a Navy SEAL, as a star of pro wrestling, as an actor, and as the governor of Minnesota...he is now considering reentering the arena with a possible independent run for the presidency in 2008.

Jesse Ventura on cnn interview

Jesse The Mind Ventura on 9-11 Controlled Demolitions

Teacher breaks wall of silence at state's Muslim public school   Arabic and Hebrew Schools Open: Should Public Dollars Fund Schools That Could Be Seen As Religious? 

House Staffers Livid Over Web Site Financial Information Being Posted Is Too Personal, Aides Say  Email Comment: They cheerfully preside over the rape of all of OUR privacy rights, but when it happens to THEM, THEN they get upset. Screw 'em!  

Unmasked: Chinese guardians of Olympic torch  Questions are now being asked as to who authorised their presence as the torch was carried through London. The Conservatives demanded clarification from the Government last night.  But the aggression with which the guards have been pursuing their brief has provoked anger, not least in London where they were seen wrestling protesters to the ground and were described as “thugs” by Lord Coe.   Top Chinese cops

Olympic President Makes Rare Rebuke of China   Olympic Torch Protests Overwhelm San Francisco  Olympic torch arrives in San Francisco  Olympic torch protests begin in San Francisco

 HISTORY LESSON: Original Redneck heroes resisted Fascism  Comments

Mother Jones didn't take into account that the situation was significantly different. Nevertheless, the call went out and men soon began organizing for the march. The UMWA never claimed nor attempted to be part of this march. Despite the lack of a leader, the thousands of men who gathered near Charleston began to form military-style units (not surprising since many were veterans of WWI). Their only identifiable "uniform" was a red bandana knotted about their neck or right sleeve. The badge gave them the name Red Necks.

[Where did they go? An old trick: start a war [WWI and II] induct the rebels into the military and scrub them.]

Longshoremen to close ports on West Coast to protest war

Iraq Veterans Against the War seizes National Archives Building

A Mystery in the Middle East

Duck and Cover: It’s the New Survivalism  Militias

Original Rednecks resisted Fascism  Comments

Bushvilles  Clinton's top strategist quits  

534 women, children leave polygamist ranch  Images show police armed for polygamist raid

Joan Veon: The Final Trump of The British Over America  British Coat Of Arms 2  Comments

Ambassador Cofer Black Becomes Vice-Chairman at Blackwater USA

'Hosting American economic refugees' President Hugo Chavez says that his country might some day host economic refugees if the US economy worsens and goes beyond control.


Panacea-BOCAF Water Fuel Cell presentation

Using Hydroxy gas in hydrogen boosters can be a method to improve a motor vehicles fuel efficiency or the efficiency of any fuel powered generator plus cut emissions. Using Hydroxy gas can also be applied in a stand alone case to run a car or generator with out the need for any fuel, and can completely remove fossil fuel emissions.

Honda FCX Clarity  Home Energy Station

There Is No Gas Shortage But Washington, Wall Street, and ethanol and oil and gas companies want you to think there is, says automotive expert Ed Wallace **

NEW*** MRI paper...on scientific confirmation of burning of water...  Comments

** 3 to 4.3 Billion Barrels of Technically Recoverable Oil Assessed in North Dakota and Montana’s Bakken Formation—25 Times More Than 1995 Estimate

Cancer-killing waves gain national attention  New Drug Prevents Radiation Damage


Brazil: High Strangeness Creatures


Ed Grimsley has been seeing battles between unknown aircraft in the night skies since he was a teenager  ARCHIVES: Critters

German schoolboy, 13, corrects NASA's asteroid figures: paper

The Apollo 10 Monolith  The mystery of Stonehenge may be solved

Amazing Image of the Martian Moon Phobos

STEREO: 2008 01 02

APR 2008 HOLMES UPDATE - StarGate Orion Chen-Gao Eclipse

Soldiers’ Remains Secretly Exhumed in New Mexico

Rolling Thunder - InterTribal Medicine Man - Meta Tantay   Vanished: A Pueblo Mystery

Dylan Knockin' on Pulitzer's Door  Watch this
Hyperborea, The Pineal Gland, and The Spear of Destiny

Hundreds of documented sightings of UFOs across the UK will be released   NAZI UFO BASE IN ANTARCTICA  UFO's - It Has Begun (Rod Serling, Jacques Vallee)  The Mike Wallace Interview Major Donald E. Keyhoe 3/8/1957

. RUN FROM THE CURE [cancer cure] Comments

Bright Lights, Loud Boom Reported In 2 Indiana Counties  Fighter jets

2008 GF1 - approach  0.76 LD  Orbital

Severe weather  Vid  Radar  Warnings  Comments  7.3 2008/04/09 12:46:13 -20.058 168.858 35.0 LOYALTY ISLANDS

Colombia volcano erupts   Quakes Off Oregon Coast Shake Up a Mystery

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies." ~Thomas Jefferson

Meltdown of U.S. Dollar Underway as China Dumps the Currency  World Bank tackles food emergency

US Federal Reserve latest H3 report - Non borrowed reserves increased by a factor of three. 617 billion dollars in the negative   Wall Street brokerages borrowing $38.1 billion a day from Federal Reserve

Paulson's Regulation Plan Won't Fix Current Economic CrisiPaulson Unveils Sweeping Overhaul of Financial Rules  Fed eyes Nordic-style nationalisation of US banks

Treasury Dept. Plan Would Give Fed Wide New Power 2  This is certainly bad news for the rest of us. The Fed should be abolished, not given new power. It's important to remember that the Fed is NOT a government agency, subject to public review and control; it is privately owned and controlled by the very people who profit from the kind of crises that we are experiencing right now. This proposal invites the fox to manage the hen house. This is yet another step in institutionalizing the neo-fascism decried by Naomi Wolf.

Dollar Sets Low Against Euro, Rebounds  DOW 11,893.69



[Most Recent USD from www.kitco.com]

In 1999 The Price Of A Barrel Of Oil Was $11  

US controls price of crude oil

WORLD NEWS 2006 The truth is rarely pure and never simple  Havaria  Global Incident Map

RADIORBIT  Global Incident map  Alchemy 2012  Earth Portal urbansurvival.com Nikola Tesla's Secrets The Surfing The Apocalypse Network Rumor Mill News Freedom Crow's Nest Abide Miracles Elaine's Alien-Earth COMMENTS Full Disklosure Terminus Reality World Politics EagleNet Online Gaia Man GLP


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