Dear Friends, THIS is a SUMMARY CONTENTS of my NASA Mars-photo investigation. When I discovered the first of these photo discrepancies, I reported them to NASA's Office of the Inspector General and I was told not to expect a reply. As evidence piled up, I contacted "" and then "" who are both public relations staff. They simply and flatly denied what I am showing here. They both instructed me to "take it to the media," or "put the pictures up on your web-site; they are in the public domain anyway." And so, here we are. NASA and JPL are in denial, and they won't discuss it.
I'm a nobody, just a retired teacher and secretary. BUT MY re-colored MARS PHOTOS SHOW MORE DETAILS THAN NASA'S PHOTOS DO. Voila! Human Beings! A sister planet! Okay, so this sounds crazy to you. Well you can jump all over me or you can take a hard look at the following photo comparisons, between NASA's "RAW" versions and my re-done versions utilizing more natural colors. The difference is stunning.
NASA doesn't just lie about the Moon Landing; they didn't just lie about why and how Shuttles were destroyed. The FACT they don't provide correct information, is NASA's business. If their lips are moving, they are falsely reporting on fascinating data. They under-report to scholars, to publishers of textbooks, to legislators, to the international press. They have a dirty secret to keep for NSA : Majestic 12 orders, not to "align" with "ETs" -- not even (or especially)Other humans (as if other humans are particularly dangerous). THAT is crazy.
But how does this happen? Aren't NASA engineers highly educated, well-intentioned people? Yes! Well, the people who deface photos have no idea what they're doing is making them unintelligible; or if they do, they're sworn to secrecy. And the managers who announce NASA news items and NASA photos have no idea -- they are never told -- that the photos were defaced. That's how. The policy is called "compartmentalization" and "need-to-know."
I am not here to go into the politics of their dirty [Illuminati/ Papist/ Zionist/ Annunaki/ Orion Group] secrets -- only to testify to cognitive dissonance caused by defaced photography unpacked. This page is now my catalog of NASA and NON-NASA images taken by Rover, Spirit, by satellite, and by unnamed "others." I am merely a teacher and a secretary, so I will tell you how I de-processed NASA's photos to see artifacts and evidence of humans and their habitations on photos which NASA COMPLETELY DEFACED--and all of which NASA denies.
The photos cover broad categories: distant satellite-orbiter photos, fly-by photos, and Lander photos of Mars and the Moon. You will notice that one of the categories is "Communities." Those communities are HUMAN, just like us. There are a few ETs on Mars, and I'll point them out to you; but most people just walking around are human; and they live in very dense clusters where atmosphere and water can be accumulated and utilised all year long. This is why there are huge tracts of vacant land on Mars, because little water or oxygen reaches some parcels and parts, as on earth in the Sahara and American Southwest and the steppes of Russia.
The first issue we have to deal with is the DEFACING PROCESS that NASA utilizes to hide information.
- First of all, although NASA has the most sophisticated cameras in the world, the only pictures they offer to the public are 72 pixels per inch. Your and my PC usually operates at 300 ppi, so focusing NASA's pictures is very tricky and haphazard. They planned it this way.
- Secondly, a raw photo has its vertical-to-horizontal scale disrupted, at random. In order to fix it, one must enlarge to 400% and smooth out the pixels.
- Next, artificial colors (16% red and 8% green) must be removed;
- Blocks of whitened or blackened pixels must be cleared to create a holistic harmony in the photo, devoid as it is now of color, but at least showing visible details. Lighting and Contrast are utilized to make the photo "whole."
- Next new colors are added, in a natural combination of 2/3's RGB and 1/3 CMY.
- Finally, each light area is customized to reflect the colors falling upon it.
This table of photos and names and details will get filled in from former blogs so that this issue of NASA LIES can be consolidated into one Topic Heading and the Blog can serve for philosophical, moral and ethical news alerts.
THE FOLLOWING PHOTOS ARE BENIGN, WITHOUT DISRUPTIONS. At this point, a hundred photos into the NASA database, unfortunately I didn't always keep the original file name because I found copies of NASA originals all over the Net and because NASA's file system is systematically untenable, with cryptographic file names. Naturally, random file names -- mixed letters and numbers -- is intended to confound public use by an agency that does not want people to be able to associate their files. Thus, this database is associated visually and not by file name and a lot of original file names got lost.
There are just too many defaced photos. I'm disgusted, and I'm just putting up what looks real to me with as many correct file names as I could locate so you can go back to NASA and ask why their pictures don't show any details. Duh.
FILE NAME: 2P126805390EFF0200P2216L2M1 ~ GARDENER | FILE NAME: 2P126803729EFF0900P2217L2m1 ~ BULL | ||
FILE NAME: 2P126814720EFF0200P2213L2M1 ~ BOAT | ![]() |
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DESCRIPTION: This is a rock-face, with what appears to be paths and people. In the first cut-out you see a very square doorway. In the second cut-out, a lady wearing a brimmed-hat walking down the path (her right arm and elbow appear white), turns and looks back at her child presumably struggling to climb up. In the third cut-out two heads-in-hats are walking further down the same path. | FILE NAME: OPP 974 : Various lifestyles are apparent: city life, suburban life, country communities and military life. | ![]() |
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FILE NAME: Sol1162B | DESCRIPTION: The Rover, as usual, chugs on by a walking party of people. A young woman is putting down her load, trying to manage her baby. She is doubled over, so NASA labels her as a "rock." MAYBE ROVER JUST SCARED THE BABY, eh? | FILE NAME: Spirit Gallery | ![]() |
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FILE NAME: SPILLWAY | DESCRIPTION: Victoria Crater Springtime | FILE NAME: Animals Grazing | ![]() |
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DESCRIPTION: Apparently this Rock City is in the extremity, or at least where conditions are not as fertile as in the craters themselves nor where standing water is abundant. Notice the couple walking down the steps on the right are NoT wearing breathing-assist devices. Notice, there are vehicles standing in wait at the plaza.
![]() PLAZA ![]() STATUARY and carvings at the corner. FILE NAME: R090098 WHAZZIS? What do you think? Structures, paths and stairways is what I see. Snow. Okay. Now whO's this going down the stairs on the right? Eh? ![]() DUO WALKING DOWN STAIRS. This is MARS, remember? Who ARE these people walking down the stairs? ![]() |
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FILE NAME: R0902121 | DESCRIPTION: CRATER CITY : Gorgeous. I found three cities in craters where water is plentiful and atmosphere can collect. | FILE NAME: COPY of lengthy NASA file 0902121 | ![]() |
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How ignorant, stupefied, dogmatized or blind do engineers and technicians have to be to MISS seeing other human beings like themselves? ![]() |
FILE NAME PIA-09971 Victoria Crater Spillway ![]() CLOSE UP, CLICK HERE FAR OFF, CLICK HERE ![]() |
HERE IS THE SITE OF A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT :: A ROCKSLIDE. The disaster NASA is silent about. Is it coincidental that Rover is just going by as it occurs? You'll see. DESCRIPTION: From these photos it can be deduced that the Rover strayed too close to the edge of this cliff face, collapsed the underlying rock structures and killed scores of human beings who lived there. Some months later when the Rover came through again, the bodies were still lying about because it is the custom to leave them in place.
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FILE NAME: B009R1 | DESCRIPTION: An expansive Ridge. Once red is removed and natural colors supplied, there is life all over it : people at work. | FILE NAME: MSPan B009R1 | ![]() |
What does that mean? It means people KNOW and they don't have to be visually stimulated. They know where things are; they know where risks and dangers lie. They know how to get from here to there without a roadmap. They know how to identify their own home without a house number or street sign or printed directions. I see no evidence of electronic communications -- television, radio or print media. No garbage, no landfill, no scattered papers. Imagine that.
Now I understand something I didn't understand before. This is a real Aha! for me. Remember in the Bible book of Genesis it says, Nimrod was a Builder? And the Nephilim (hybrids of Annunaki from the Orion Group) influenced humanity to build Babel, "a Tower to Heaven"? Remember that? Well, the descendants of Nimrod are still Builders -- the Masons. They're still building huge buildings to the sky and compelling everyone to come join their city. That's NOT what indigenous peoples on this planet EVER DID until the Annunaki got here, and that's NOT WHAT PEOPLE ON MARS DO. You can call them "indigenous" if you want to; however, they deal with ETs, with spaceships, cars and about an 8-month growing season out of 24-month year. So, Mars people can't be TOO STUPID!
And that's not what the human beings on Mars do : build of clay and steel and make streets and force compliance with a centralized system of commerce. Martians live simply, and they're just as human to my eyes as we are.
Tell me this woman in her Shakespearean finery isn't beautiful! These two photos come off a current NASA Spirit Panorama!!
Here's the story of the Masons, and their effects on human society since the days of Nimrod when the Orion Group invaded earth and established centralized cities here, for the first time.
The NWO Agenda: 'From Babel to Ireland' the New One World Religion for political purposes. PART ONE of Seven Parts.
Surprising Continuity of HISTORY!
![]() | FILE NAME: 051107 Everest | DESCRIPTION: Broad Panorama of a Metropolitan Area, that Rover criss-crossed blindly, without being aware of its surroundings. | COPY | ![]() |
![]() | FILE NAME: Columbia Three | DESCRIPTION: Panorama including human community, with a road traversing left-to-right, people in the foreground, and housing in the hills. | COPY | ![]() |
![]() FILE NAME: West Valley PANORAMA |
DESCRIPTION: West Valley as seen by Rover :: CORRECTED SCALE; CONTRAST DIMINISHED; NATURAL COLORS PROVIDED. In this version of the West Valley, the season is springtime run-off, everything is wet. Resolution is so poor in this copy, I didn't notice the scale defect. | FILE NAME: NASA ORIGINAL Sol1369A_WestValley_L257
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LONG RAW FILE COPY 22.7MB Rover is TOTALLY stupid -- Remember -- a machine. It can run over people, animals, through backyards, and what can anybody do about it? TECH NOTES: I rescaled this NASA photo to 12756 by 4252 pixels, and it comes out with objects much more clearly defined, even tiny details at some distance. I just stripped out the false 16% red and 8% green, and everything looks much better if you download this file into photo software, especially at high enlargement. HUNDREDS of human beings are visible. "You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people, all the time; but you can't fool all the people all the time." P T Barnum said that.
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DESCRIPTION: DECEASED MUMMY : cadaver left out to dry. | ![]() |
Mummy left out in the open next to a road. That is how humans on Mars deal with the dead : leave them out to mummify in the thin, sterile climate. Betcha didn't know that. | ![]() |
![]() | FILE NAME: 800pxMarsPanorama | DESCRIPTION: Military Exercises, winter time | COPY ORIGINAL | ![]() |
![]() | FILE NAME: 051213 Seminole | DESCRIPTION: Panorama | COPY ORIGINAL | ![]() |
![]() | FILE NAME: 051213 Seminole | DESCRIPTION: Panorama | COPY ORIGINAL | ![]() |
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FILE NAME: 1-098-PIA03622-official ~ TROOPS 1 | ![]() |
FILE NAME: 060721esanopoMEC ~ TROOPS 2 ~ |
![]() | FILE NAME: 051213 Seminole | DESCRIPTION: Panorama | COPY ORIGINAL | ![]() |
![]() | FILE NAME: 051213 Seminole | DESCRIPTION: Panorama | COPY ORIGINAL | ![]() |
![]() | FILE NAME: 051213 Seminole | DESCRIPTION: Panorama | COPY ORIGINAL | ![]() |
So, what's the point? The whole scene is coherent : the wars, the secrets, the ufos and ETs, the financial devastation, the movement of populations, the use of scalar and dangerous weapons, the Tyrannical Annunaki/Orion-based New World Odour with its Not-See methods.
In the Bible it talks about war in Heaven, well, guess what? IT HAPPENS. We the human race on Terra are caught between manipulations and mind games of the Orion Group and the Predation (Abductions) of [Reptoid] Alpha Draconis ... between a rock and a hard place. Only, our Leaders aren't telling us this. They plan and finance going into hiding by themselves ("Continuity of Government" and "Shadow Government") and pretend they're "special" and believe their shit doesn't stink like the rest of ours. Are YOU going to let this happen? Just wondered.
We're the "earthlings," remember? EARTHLINGS Best wishes for rebuilding our nation with the Truth and not lies, Emily Cragg