These files and this site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized to be used on this website by the copyright owner; we make materials available to advance understanding of human -- political, environmental, economic, representative -- conspiracies and human rights issues. We claim this constitutes 'fair use' of copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of US Copyright Law, Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. Quotations on this site are distributed without profit to those who have expressed prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. SEE : To use copyrighted material from this site for purposes that go beyond 'fair use', obtain permission from the copyright owner. |
What these directories show is that the CURRENT USSA REGIME shows up as a JUNTA demonstrating lies, filthy habits, double-dealing, a bribery-based, secretive, violent and genocidal "NOT-SEE" Fascist/Corporatist LEADERSHIP :: UNjust, UNfair, UNcivilized. There are no human words to convey Justice for such greedy corporatists aligned against the Poor and the Planet. We may anticipate a "NOT-SEE" Inquisition banging on the door at any moment. At this point, attaining any kind of real civil future requires new non-ideological Ethics -- NO MORE dual-tier sytem :: Constitutional Law for the Rich BUT Maritime Law aligned against the poor. ~*~ "Holy Common Law" is based on creating Good Outcomes for the greatest number. Otherwise, WHEN OUTCOMES are absurd, indecent and cruel and "obedience" takes precedence over Reasons or Life itself, Innocence is being exploited and Evil reigns free. ~*~ Emily Cragg, B.S., M.A., Conflict Analysis; Director, Holy Conservancy Church. ~ * ~
For NEWS SEE Yahoo Groups: Abidemir, Add YOUR comments and input; but for me, God and Angels (ETs or not) will deliver us. |
Webmaster Emily Cragg here to answer ALL queries; email me at -1- |
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For the United States to continue to persist as a nation, its Alphabet-INTELL and civil service agencies NEED TO GET "DE-COMPARTMENTALIZED," "DE-CLASSIFIED" AND "DE-STUPEFIED." OR, SHALL WE AMERICANS CONTINUE TO ACT DUMB --
THIS IS A LIBRARY OF CONSPIRACY TESTIMONY ALREADY PUBLIC :: NEO-CON / GLOBALIST/ FEDERALIST/ ZIONIST/ PAPIST/ ILLUMINIST/ SATANIST LIARS AND TRUTHERS with SECRET INTENTIONs & AGENDAS. This is a cheap web-site and I support it on a fixed income WE GET HACKED AND BLOCKED. If you want a copy of something and you can't download it, just email me and ask for it.
John F. Kennedy speech about Secrecy :: "The high office of the president has been used to foment a plot to destroy America's freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizens of this plight."---President John F. Kennedy, November 12, 1963. ... President Kennedy warned us about the existence of the "new world order" crowd on November 12th, 1963. Ten days later he was gunned down. To believe that John Kennedy might have been "eliminated" because of what he was revealing to the American people is not a big stretch, knowing what we now know. |
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Shechaiyah says, "I believe and it appears that an intent to cause either harm OR FOOLERY is contained in many consumer products -- energy and human food stocks included. National policy seems to favor Waste and Filth. Further, what I see and can testify to, is that dissent against amoral and immoral activities of Corporations, of the Administration, Congress and the Judiciary ARE ALL VERY COHERENT, from witness-to-witness. The stories of dissidents JIBE and DOVETAIL!"
I'm just a Grandma --not glib nor particularly fluent-- so I let "the real witnesses" do the talking. Let's make a case against socialistic top-down slavery-of-parents-and-families. On this site, I offer MY own BOOKS for which I may ask a donation and I offer other BOOKS FREELY mirrored with authors' consent, but in a more compact size to print so you may not hesitate to print off your own copy.
~*~ Truth is HIDDEN by OFFICIAL "compartmentalization," "RULE by secrecy," "national security," "need-to-know," and "influence-peddling." ~*~
This site provides Books, Videos and Documents for Conspiracy TOPICS to the end that the people of the United States may have the data, information and published results we need to solve our problems. Human and Social Problems are resolved by Truth -- NOT by Dogma, Ideology, Fantasies, Wishes or Fabrications. CONTENTS INCLUDES Embedded and linked videos PLUS Books, Monographs and DIRECTORIES of documents and photos ::
~*~ AN ENLARGED SCOPE OF HISTORICAL MEANS & METHODS ~*~Will Banyan SHORT HISTORY OF THE ROUND TABLE Cecil Rhodes' vision, .23 MB .doc file, 34 pages, two-up. Branton, Ed THE DULCE BOOK [Underground Bases] Edited, 192 pages, two-up, 1.2 MB; and also by "Branton," Nazi History Spread of Nazism after WWII, Branton, Editor 1.1 MB .doc file, 88 pages, 2-up, complete. Robert J. Bunker, Ed. NONLETHAL WEAPONS INSS Occasional Paper 15, , USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy, Colorado, 1997, .21 MB htm file BUSHFLASH NEWS WAR CRIMES Bushflash report RE Depleted Uranium Effects on Civilians and Babies www Bushflash dot com, raging against the NeoCon Machine, 2004. T. Collins, WHITE PAPER ON STATE CITIZENSHIP , 1994, .1 MB html file, 21 pages to print Denis Fahey, WATERS FLOW EAST: Destruction of the "Kingdom of God" MODEL , 1950s, .6 MB .doc file, 43 printed pages, 2-up, complete.
FEMA ENDGAME 2003-2012, Detention and Removal Strategy for a Secure Homeland, by the Office of Homeland Security, pdf file, 49 pages. FED DOCS MAJESTIC-12 PAPERS: Originals, PLUS transcription and some notes by William Cooper from Behold a Pale Horse, .13 MB html file, 47 pages to print. J. Findlater REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT: A Diagnosis of World Disorders, Edinburgh Scotland 1933, pdf file 159 pages. by Ex-Priest, Bernard Fresenborg THIRTY YEARS IN HELL, OR FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT , 1.2 MB .doc file, 88 pages complete, two-up. GLP FORUM DISCUSSION It was an inside job, by a Norad professional
Zoltan Grossman INTERVENTIONS : A CENTURY OF US MILITARY ACTIONS Evergreen State College, Olympia WA, 17 pages to print. Original at . Hermes-Press, CLASS WARFARE Elites Set "Divide & Conquer" AS METHOD .5 MB htm fileGraphical Art for Corporate Fascism and RHoagland & DWilcock report, Interplanetary Day After Tomorrow, explaining solar system warming; 55 pp .doc file. L. H Lehmann, BEHIND THE DICTATORS: Analysis of the Relationship between Neo-Fascism and Roman Catholicism, 2d Ed., 1944, 108 pages pdf file NCMEC Missing Kids? NEWS ET GREADA TREATY : Eisenhower's Meeting with E-Ts in 1954. .05 MB html file Eric Jon Phelps, VATICAN ASSASSINS Council of Trent + Inquisitions = Holy Roman Empire, Fourth Reich, by Eric Jon Phelps. 450 MB pdf file, 1800-pages to print. Huge. Adid Safir (pseudonym) ISLAM HIJACKED, .6 MB htm file, replacement of spiritual with militant Islam. by WATCHMAN ROME & GERMANY : How the Holy Roman Empire GOT HERE TODAY 4.92 MB pdf file, 400 pages to print |
A HEIGHTENED SENSE OF HIDDEN AGENDAS [EXPERIENCED AS STRESSFUL OUTCOMES]Sheila Bastien, Ph.D MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITIES (MCS): What It Is, What It Is Not, And How It Is Manifested, AND Symptom Profile of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in Actual Life Psychosomatic Medicine 67:318 325 (2005). Emily Cragg, Ed. PERFIDY: Anthology of Lies, my book in 8 files. 1.2 MB in 9 html files, approx 180 pages
NEWS 911 PENTAGON by Jon Carlson, 9 pages photos, .doc file NEWS 911 Who Dreamed Up the 911 Attack? .7 MB html file, approx 42pp Dorrel's PREEMPTIVE STATECRAFT History of same ANNUAL STATISTICS ABDUCTIONS of Children 500,000 unaccounted for per year. NTSB Commentary JFK Jr's Death Not An Accident, .04 MB htm file. OKC95 TESTIMONY :: my doc files destroyed. .01 MB html file
Mr. Timothy L. Thomas THE MIND HAS NO FIREWALL, Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, KS., 1998, .03 MB htm file
Embedded YouTube videos shown here are NOT downloadable (for me). However, Google LINKS shown here offer a free download FOR THE GOOGLE FLASH PLAYER ESSENTIAL to download their videos. If linking to my download doesn't work for you, email me at chaiyah at abidemiracles dot com AND I'll help you get a copy; I have already archived them all and hold them for safe-keeping against hackers, agents and snoopers. No need to place on my server what people don't want.
NEWS CFR The CFR : Council On Foreign Relations and How IT Controls News and Media to favor NWO establishment; 4:32. CFR LISTING. There is NO US Free Press! NEWS CIA Secrets of the CIA Part I Part 1: "The Introduction":: The United States CIA declassified. Retired CIA agents tell their stories of the horrific actions committed by the CIA. Part 2 AND Part 3 AND Part 4 AND Part 5 AND Part 6 AND Part 7 BY FORMER US INTELLIGENCE PEOPLE. 40 MINS NEWS CONSPIRACY Iron Mountain : Blueprint for Tyranny, servers in US & Netherlands, 2 hr 21 minutes, 1970s. also here NEWS CORRUPTION :: "The Power of Nightmares" How Perfidy and Deceit Operate in Globalist (including US/UK) Governments, 2007. NEWS CORRUPTION Mind Perversion/Control & MKULTRA, Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, first person experiencers; 1 hr 44 mins, 1980s. NEWS CORRUPTION Mind Control & Mind Pattern Programming; The Freeman Perspective, with Janet Swerdlow; 1 hour, 1980s. NEWS CORRUPTION Mena Connection: Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA, Drug smuggling Researchers in Arkansas charge Governor Bill Clinton covered up the airport used by the CIA and major cocaine smugglers in a remote corner of the Ozark mountains. 57 minutes, 1980s. NEWS CORRUPTION Top Extra Secret Underground Alien Bases. Part 1 alleged Dulce NM Facilities alleged Shadow Government base, 6 min, 1990s. NEWS CORRUPTION Crazy Rulers of the World : Men Who Stare at Goats Jon Ronson's Crazy Rulers of the World explores the apparent madness at the heart of US military intelligence. 49 minutes in length, 1990s. NEWS CORRUPTION BUSH SR's Panama Deception, The Panama Deception documents the untold story of the December 1989 U.S. invasion of Panama; the events which led to it; the excessive force used; the enormity of the death and destruction; and the devastating aftermath. 1 hr 31 min, 1992. NEWS CORRUPTION WTC bombing #1, by Joseph Calhoun discusses exposure of FBI complicity; 3:31, 1993. NEWS CORRUPTION Reichstag 911-1 Political documentary WTC93, OKC95 and WTC01, 2 hours. Part Two Reichstag 911 Documentary, 2 more hours, 2001.
NEWS CURRENCY THE WAY CONTROL OF THE MONEY SUPPLY HAS BEEN USED TO SET UP A TOTALITARIAN REGIME WORLDWIDE by Connie Fogel, Leader of the Canadian Action Party; 10 minutes. NEWS CURRENCY Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve Ludwig von Mises Institute, 42 mins. NEWS CURRENCY FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution inspired by the book, "The Creature From Jekyll Island" by G. EDWARD GRIFFIN, 59 minutes. |
NEWS HISTORY Ethnogenic Shamism : Ancient Astronauts History & Modern Shamanism , 52 min, 2007. NEWS HISTORY GIANTS, Alien Skulls, Skeletons and Megaliths 10min, 2007.
NEWS UFO 2007 Fleet with MotherShip, Pelcula Mexico, 5 mins. ALSO HERE
NEWS UFO 2006 UFO CYLINDER CHASE by Russian AF MIGs (.mpv format) 1 min 31 sec. ND. ALSO HERE
NEWS UFOS DOCU UK UFOs Hidden evidence , 1hr 41 min, 2006. NEWS UFOs 1986 FAA UFO REPORTS , 20 minutes. NEWS UFOs NAZI 1930s UFO HISTORY British WWII documentary; 50 minutes ND.
NEWS WAR CRIMES Hazards of Depleted Uranium, never shown to the troops 15 minutes. Training materials intended to instruct servicemen and women about the use and hazards of depleted uranium munitions. TODAY the vast majority of servicemen and women in the U.S. military are unaware of the use and dangers of depleted uranium munitions, or of the protective clothing and procedures which can minimize or prevent serious short-term exposures, 1996 NEWS WAR CRIMES Depleted Uranium by an Army Officer an audio tape everyone needs to hear. , Popular Mechanics Debunked 2007.
Larken Rose Theft By Deception : The American Income Tax 1 hr 40 minutes JFKII REPORT, 14 pp. JFKII video
#1 version (.avi format) AND
Everything "They" ever taught US -- |
"The Secret Government" by Bill Moyers ![]() It aired on PBS in 1987. Moyers is a very respected TV journalist who also worked for Lyndon B. Johnson and has a very professional approach. He interviews many different people involved with the CIA and other government agencies. His documentary gives an overview of the CIA and the cold war (including Iran, Guatamala, Cuba, Viet Nam and Chile). He features Ralph McGeehee, Phil Retinger (both former CIA agents), Rear Admiral Gene La Rocque (Ret. U.S.N.), Theodore Bissell (active in the CIA at the time), Sen. Frank Church. This segment edited by Frank Dorrel is 20 minutes. |
THE REAL TRUTHs are these :1: Periodic Catastrophies OCCUR A planet is subject to Change. AND :2: Orion ETs dominate Globalism; US-Globalism is controlled by ET-Occult-driven leadership. Indeed, Science is ruled by non-human Corporatist values Ideological "CORRECTNESS" and Military Totalitarianism So, seek true wisdom. Either we learn How to testify to Reason and hang together, OR WE hang separately. |
These books are of my own authorship, and I append and amend them regularly. There is no copyright. This information is simply and obviously true and free to all; and I edit and amend as I locate more and better information. Anyone is free to donate cash to help me meet my expenses because I live on a small pension. Email me and I will send you the manuscript file, without charge if need be.
. This version available for sale IS a reference book of diet rules-of-thumb, 31 easy pages with 15 color photos, a tiny manual provides enough information to improve your diet by 80% without straining time nor money. It will simplify your life., which includes [food ingredients' tables] graphics, menus and add-ons: how to live when you have no money and how to recalender when the pole flip comes. This version merely has the bare bones of the text. This book articulates Nutrition from an international, multi-disciplinary perspective. My undergraduate work was in Nutrition Education; and my graduate work was in Analysis of complex systems. 1988 & 1993, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. "Improving on Evolution" was compiled from clinic trials while I served as Clinical Dietitian for the Better Health Clinic in Vienna, Virginia. Contents include: Shopping List of Principles of Sound Nutrition in two pages; Mebabolic Type Test -- Whose body are you feeding from the Auyervedic perspective; Dealing with Food Glut and Marketing; Practical steps to de-stress your body; Overcoming Poor Eating Habits; Thinking about food in new ways; Adaptive Food Combining so food feels better and doesn't keep talking back; Milk analog for dairy-sensitive people. FREE. Just format for your printer and download the html file.
THIS IS TWO-FILE set of html documents, 80 printed pages, b/w or color. It includes Commands and Laws of God Through Mosesand a collection of devotions received since 1991, with color plates--a model of rational thought to consider FOR ADULT MINDS. Topics include: (1) The Commandments of God, and how they operate in Community; (2) Practical non-denominational wisdom, commonsense rinciples; Ten teachings of a socialized culture; Dealing with evil, crime, hate and war, ethically; setting limits and boundaries; selecting what you want to confront; How sovereignty affects one's dominion and autonomy; What is a Trinity? the Godhead? Who are the women of the Sacred Heart? How do angels' sacred commissions affect us? What is a workable economy? Is that the Kingdom of God? How does Peace operate? What is Truth? Selecting the Will by Whom a Soul derives Energy and Drive. Ten Principles of Attachment. What are the Just Judgments of God? When do they occur? How do causes-and-effects demonstrate coherence with the Will of God? What about selecting Happiness? Ignorance? Marriage? Who/What is YHVH, God of Israel? What is His History? How does one worship God in truth? Some of these writings contradict what you already know. Take care, to mull things over and prayerfully sense your way along God's path for you. By donation. Printing is extra.
A child's and family picture-book to sit and read with the kids ... what a community can mean to its people -- a model to consider. This is a walking tour of appropriate architecture and law-full and play-full alternatives to force and obsolete codes, 180 pages with 300 color photos. Provides hours of give-and-take conversation with your children about how they see life and want to live in their futures. Contents include: a walking tour of the town, step-by-step, narrated by a local crone; account of primary values that make a small community the best place for a child to explore and master; a description of alternative economics and how it can be devised and played out in a benign environment without too much interference; lay-out of an egalitarian community so intimate functions reside in the home and social functions reside "out and about." Also, the way to minimize the costs of mobility and adaptability to change. By donation. This book comprises 350 pages of color photos. Pending for publishing at
BUILDING A CONTEMPLATIVE COMMUNITY ... Based on the Benedictine paradigm of a non-sectarian monastery, this depiction of community life provides the working resident with half-time employment (unpaid) and half-time freedom for personal interests, studies and vocation, based on scriptural and devotional antecedents for the kind of behaviors that make or break a human community setting founded on trust, chastity and self-control. Contents include: Surviving a hostile world; physical orientation of a condominium; social orientation of its rules and requirements. Types of community personalities : powerlessness versus wholesome qualities of leadership. CONSENT, the behavior of Choice. Accountability and living by Free Will consent to cooperate. Communications skills, attitudes, roles, ownership, service, correcting faults and expulsion. Options and opportunities; travel; guests, change and saying goodbye. By donation. Printing and binding extra. 65 pages, 16 plates, with color photos--a model to consider for adult singles and couples.
Edward the Eighth
RANSACKING INNOCENCE, Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor (my father) : His life and family ILLUSTRATED from 1894 til His "Abdication" in 1936 in an anonymous manuscript I found lurking on the Net dated 1936. Illustrated biography of the King who served his nation for 22 years as Crown Prince and was deposed surruptitiously, the "Liberal" Windsor, taken out by Imperialist/Fascist interests in pre-WWII England. Show me where the Duke of Windsor, King Edward VIII my father, participated or served as a Nazi. Please show me. Point to his name in the account of who the Nazis were and what they did! Now go to and show me where the Duke of Windsor was EVER honored by Illuminati, Imperialist organizations or Not-Sees. Indeed, he was scapegoated. 80 jpeg pages, one-page-at-a-time from a directory; $25 printed with 111 photos.
Perfidy: Anthology of Media Lies in eight files. An on-line anthology of public published POLITICAL Lies and Liars which I collected and referenced -- 192 pages with 70 color photos; a real job to print it out. Have at it. There's enough documented corruption and perfidy here to keep you writing to your Representatives and Senators til the Days of Reckoning and Deliverance arrive. Free download; no print-out
I HAVE RE-COMPOSED THE FOLLOWING BOOKS, TOP TO BOTTOM, to take up fewer pages and less printers ink. This site is ALSO a LENDING or a copy service for fine out-of-print and public-domain books, and accrue a $3.50 download file (service charge). Or, with a deposit and postage, I can send you a printed, bound volume THAT you may borrow and return. Where a book is not yet out of LEGAL copyright, I will loan and send you my personal copy for a deposit, which will be returned upon your returning the book to me intact. The deposit is based on my cost to obtain another copy of the book, plus postage.
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Descriptive opthalmology : explanations for common problems with vision that can be corrected with eye-muscle re-training. 1920. Written by W.H. Bates, M.D., in 1908, this treatise on eye problems enables self-correction of many vision disturbances, from childhood through aging. Presented here is a reproduction of Dr. Bates's above-named original 1920 book. It should not be confused with Better Eyesight Without Glasses, an abridged edition published in 1943, twelve years after Bates's death. That "pop" edition is more widely available, but it excludes large portions of the text and all pictures. It is the opinion of many (including myself) that this original version is more useful and a better representation of Bates's work and methods. The book's copyright expired in 1948. It is now in the public domain. 121 pages, MSWord .doc file, 8.5 x 11, two-pages-up. |
~ * P E R S P E C T I V E S * ~
Sometimes we read a book from an author whose viewpoint we don't necessarily share; however, in order to place history in a larger perspective, we find we must accept some diversity in thinking styles, knowledge and interpretation.
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The Gospel of Barnabas was accepted as a Canonical Gospel in the Churches of Alexandria till 325 C.E. Iranaeus (130-200) wrote in support of pure monotheism and opposed Paul for injecting into Christianity doctrines of the pagan Roman religion and Platonic philosophy. He had quoted extensively from the Gospel of Barnabas in support of his views. This shows that the Gospel of Barnabas was in circulation in the first and second centuries of Christianity. In 325 C.E., the Nicene Council was held, where it was ordered that all original Gospels in Hebrew script should be destroyed. An Edict was issued that any one in possession of these Gospels will be put to death. A long history of sequestered copies followed.
The Latin text was translated into English by Mr. and Mrs. Ragg and was printed at the Clarendon Press in Oxford. It was published by the Oxford University Press in 1907. This English translation mysteriously disappeared from the market. Two copies of this translation are known to exist, one in the British Museum and the other in the Library of the Congress, Washington, DC. The first edition was from a micro-film copy of the book in the Library of the Congress, Washington, DC. 222 sections, in process. |
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Just as I have long thought: No, the Bible doesn't teach violence as problem-solving strategy in its Holy Law. Well, neither does the Quran!
This unpublished linguistic treatise shows how Islamic imams have twisted their language and grammar to bring about changes to behavior that were never instituted in the original version of the Quran. FREE html file download. 80 pages, 20 covers and you can refute anybody who tries to prove to you that "Islam is ALWAYS violent." $20 for a complete copy, page protected in plastic and bound. In process. |
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FREE html file download. 96 COLOR pages and you can refute any Christian who says ETs don't exist in Scripture. |
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The need to create a living biospace has never been greater.
Cities are choked with bad, stale and rotting air. Grocery
produce doesn't have the nutrients, the minerals, that healthy
people need to live well. The pace of life for commuters is
frantic and half-baked. Land is very expensive where work
exists; and where land is cheap, there is no paying work for
an educated soul--just drudge work, repetitive work, rule-based
work. If you buy this book, it's because you want freedom from
the ratrace. Please note, however, what you are gaining here
is the freedom to become responsible for yourself. This means,
you're going to get busy, learn how to manage your debt until
you get out of debt entirely and get on with living debt-free.
Yes, you'll get away from traffic, schedules and daytimers, but
you'll have to remember to water your plants every day.
Instead of living by the clock, like farmers back in time and
forward to Eternity, you will live by the seasons, by the rain
or lack of it, by tne temperature and air flow and humidity
and effort of your own hands.
If you don't want to do that, just put this book away now. This book is about farming on the roof of your own home--1800 square feet of farming, a 30 foot by 60 foot garden plot within the protective covering in which you also live, eat, sleep and carry on. ... After all, people take pets into their homes that BLOCKQUOTEty things up and make messes on the floor, why not take plants into your home that product oxygen, food and beauty and don't chew on your slippers? Free download or $35 deposit on my printed, black&white WYSYWYG, bound copy including all images full size. |
HOW TO MANIFEST BY GENEROSITY by John Hoshor Within the last hundred years many thousands of people have read John Hoshor's wonderful, SEED MONEY: THE LAW OF TENFOLD RETURN AND HOW IT WORKS. They have grasped the scientific principle behind the Seed Money Formula and have successfully applied it in their daily lives to end their money troubles. Others have not, for various reasons. This book is to help you get to prosperity, who didn't get it the first time. FREE file download. No printed copy. |
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