INTRODUCTION: In a study of PRIME number functions -- for fun but not exactly numerology -- I have found that every number can be used to articulate a whole function and I've "translated" about 3000 prime numbers into English-speak. Here are some examples that lead to positive results, having nothing to do with any religion or ideology -- just logical outcomes of expressed INTEGERs. Sorry I couldn't keep it to just TEN. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

~*~ Seek the Truth. Being self-sufficient requires a clarity about effects and ways to assess outcomes. Popular knowledge is not the same as Truth; nor is Gossip, nor Innuendo, nor Publicity. “If ye know the Truth, the Truth shall set you free.”

~*~ Show up and Protest what is Wrong when you witness a process of Error or Waste. Learn to Say No, but without blame -- and exert a limit on any cynical sacrifice of Good-ness. Lies sacri­fice Truth; and a label of blame is not the same thing as discovering a real problem. Nor are Scapegoat guilt offerings the same as real solutions. Each of us must have the courage to keep presumed “enemies” close by and disarmed yet even while we pick up a whistle and blow it to account for bad effects.

~*~ Be Fair. A commitment to operate measure-for-measure, as a practice, clarifies the teaching that “All knowledge is detectable as 'choices.” A one-night-stand is a choice; a moving violation is a choice. “What goes around, comes around.” “What ye sow, so shall ye reap,” are choices we make.

~*~ Exercise Self-Control. Aware persons direct their own feelings, and they can identify physical effects backwards toward Causes and also project an action into the future to infer its probable outcome (just as well). Unaware persons let feelings rule; they cannot sense or articulate events as cause-&-effect -- instead, usually deny, blame, name and shame others in the Name of “Rules.” This is the very one headed for Hell for blocking everyone else's access to Truth.

~*~ Generosity Pays. Having to share your resources pushes your senses OUT so you must detect the maximum num­ber of options and opportunities. Not doing so is Stagnation. SEE the book: "SEED MONEY : The Power of Ten" how it mani­fests in word and deed. Invest wisely in worthy persons in need (who can make AND keep a promise), and ten times your investment will return to you. (My studies indicate there is a single 0 and a double 00. Number theorists will disagree.)

~*~ Teach and Model. We're the ones we've been waiting for. And thinking about Life as a continual stream of options, the Wise will only work to create effects that transform Ignorance, relieve Suffering and prosper Truth. There is NO good end that can be reached by evil means, so build and teach the kind of Love you can take with you when your time is up. And remember, “All methods are traps.”

~*~ Live Simply and COHERE words and deeds. "Let your yes mean YES, and your no, No." While the POPULAR norm is cleverness serving as a tool for Consumer Society, the real meaning of coping with Life itself is attaining to Simplicity and needing Little. We do so that Others May Simply Live. The Golden Rule ~ doing unto others as we would have them do unto us ~ goes a long way toward social Tolerance in the midst of great genetic and ethnic diversity, upheaval and change.

~*~ Invest and Divest. Physical possessions one “owns” become challenging and limiting to one's Wisdom because belongings literally COST space, main­tenance & care. What's real are connections between experiences, skills and relationships; invest in these. What's expensive and wasteful to keep are possessions, provisions and guarantees; so of these, divest.

~*~ Honor Commitments. One felt teaching that coheres with all others is that CONSENT to one's experiences, which must be granted by Law in order that governance is legitimate. When consent is impossible, one must flee the Law or feel its wrath. In harrowing and evil times, living by mobility and trusted Brotherhoods becomes one's means and a matter of life and death.

~*~ For each generation to multiply GAIN -- Prompt only those behav­iors that yield good outcomes; and so keep an Informed History/Journal/Record. To get everybody on the same page in awareness of salient experiences, prompt and be prompted by data: of past events, binding principles, customs, dynasties and Law to pass on from generation-to-generation. Literacy is essential to the memory of how to live a civilized life regardless of the eon, age, generation or human condition at present. "Chastity," keeping to the "Right (Effective) Way," is how to thrive a people.

~*~ Confront Official Lies, Corruption and Strife. Owning up to Responsi­bility for one's role, place and function means confronting what is lawless and waste­ful, head-on. Peace is not merely Submission to either anarchy or tyranny. Do not infect yourself with complacency which carries with it contempt, cruelty and violence. There's a time to take the bull (or bully) by the horns—-whatever the cost, what­ever the outcome – but one's methods must stand tall and blameless, to make a moral point. Heaven notices great Sacrifices -- if not “great victories.”

~*~ Relieve poverty and isolation of the less fortunate. Those who are open to investing in people DESERVE Good to return to them in future time. After all, it could just be a roll of the dice or a second later, and it might be us who have no way to cope. It is written: “Pure religion undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27 KJV

Thank you for taking the time to give these concepts some thought. A SHORT COURSE IN OUTCOMES --Written entirely and copyright 2007 by Shechaiyah/ Emily Cragg, Director & Webmaster, &

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