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Confidentiality and secrecy are is what is ruling this planet right now -- A STUPEFYING LAYER OF INFLUENCE-PEDDLING PREDATORS, preying on --and PERMITTING ETs -- TO VICTIMIZE, PREY UPON AND EXPERIMENT ON HUMANKIND since 1954. At that time, the Leaders of the so-called Free World signed a Treaty (the Greada Treaty) without the knowledge or consent of the people to allow humans to be taken and eaten by certain ET cultures, as food and used as experimental rats. English-speaking GLOBALIST Fascist LEADERS -- Obama and all his predecessors going back to King George the Fifth of England -- have been playing games with our lives for about the last HUNDRED YEARS!PREFACE -- Where we are in 2009 : REFLECTIONS ON SPRING 2009, BEFORE THE CRASH
ETS are good and bad just as humans are good and bad. However, if we are to maintain a civil attitude and society, ETs' behaviors have to be adjudged individually, according to individual outcomes, just as we humans are individually judged by the State according to our individual behavioral outcomes.
Unfortunately, OUR COVERMENT is incompetent and incapable of assessing individual behavior of ET individuals because they don't even archive ETs BEHAVIOR at a level and in a way that such information is accessible to public, to the media, to the Court system.
The allied Anglo COVERMENTS do not consider ETs as human-enough to consider as sentients worthy of having individual reputations and individualized behavioral assessments.
The allied Anglo COVERMENTS are barbaric and primitive as a tribe of cannibals, who see ANY intruder as GAME to being SUMMARILY taken down. The UK-US-AUS collective ALLIANCE is criminal under any criminal code on this planet.
OUR COVERMENT has under its control all information, all access and all communications with Star Visitors and Star Cannibals under its control. And they have decided not to share any of this with any of us who happen to live here on the ground. They have bribed and pressured Science and Scientism to keep us all in the dark about Physics, Geology, Astronomy and Medicine. How criminal do you think things can get, that way?
So, here we are, facing the climax of the "Precession of the Equinoxes," with our planet held fast in monetary and ideological slavery by the new world odour. What are we going to do?
Most of us are going to expire and/or perish in the cataclysm, and go to our eternal reward. It's simple as that. Are you ready?
That's the easy way out: go take a permanent vacation to Heaven, or get one's spirit chopped up into little pieces and go to Hell where you can do no more damage to God's Plan of Creation. (Now there's a painful realization, isn't it?)
Now let's talk about the hard way : living on in a very unfamiliar New World (without any Orders at all but subject to Nature, Time, Error, Fatigue and Waste). A person needs a broad education to deal with such a Blessing and survive for a while in it. I'm here to provide what I believe will be use-full to you, in enduring Freedom and teaching your children how to live in a world differently from the way we have always lived in the past.
By the way, what Elites have discovered is that their underground enclaves are flooding out of control; and these will be unusable due to the pressure of water freed from arctic ice, bearing down on every cavern, passage and opening. Tough beans, Guys! Suffer! (It couldn't have happened to a more-deserving buncha creeps, you know?)
There is NO WHERE for the Elites to escape to; further, the ground under areas where oil has been removed is now on fire. Volcanos are being reactivated due to the dimmed light but increased heat of the Sun on every planet in this solar system.
More free water and more heat means, more tornados, earthquakes and tsunamis, even without scalar warfare and satellitic terrorism (beam weapons like those which took down the WTC in 2001). Where are they and where are YOU going to go, to be safe?
If you had any sense, you'd permanently MOBILIZE, set up networks of sanctuaries and share all your resources with those of like minds. But of course, they're making that very hard for you to do because they're surveilling everything you say to everybody so they can come knock on your door at four in the morning and haul you off to camp.
Jesus says at Matthew 24, "And when you see Jerusalem surrounded by pointed stakes, head for the mountains." Okay. Which mountains? Which continent? Where's the Equator going to be? Where are the Poles going to be? Does anybody know?
Sure we do. Geologists have all records, but they're not telling us, the history of pole shifts. That's a SECRET.
Nor are Astronomers telling us when Nibiru the sometimes Neighbor-Planet gets us into trouble, even though they know for a certainty, just when the trouble is going to start. It's a SECRET.
Nor is the medical profession preparing to save people; no, they hoarding new diseases to kill anybody off who isn't killed by the natural disasters so their ilk can stay in power. And it's all SECRET.
I have archived the best of the best, what we can do to preserve ourselves and our families, after it's all over, if we find ourselves alive at that time. Now, if you want, you can return to SKILLS CONTENTS ~OR~ THE FRONT PAGE .
If one of these books appeals to you, please donate $3.50, your share of the work, to the account of Holy Conservancy . Org, so that I can continue to bring you ideas about living on in a new way -- after what is coming upon the human family. The days for DECEIT and CORRUPTION are done. Let the "meek" NOW inherit the earth.
Who is YHVH GOD ? FIND OUT. ... He's NOT the same as "Jesus."
If one takes the Sermon on the Mount seriously, our behavior repudiates Predation, Avarice and Usury. Don't be afraid to try something "new." God upholds those who do not harm the Planet on which they exist and thrive.
Diversity and the Kingdom of God : HOW MANY WAYS DIVERSITY MANIFESTS "Appropriately"
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ISLAM HIJACKED: Basic Islamic Teachings are similar to Holy Law and Christian Teachings: "DEEN" encompasses Worship, Responsibility and Decency.
The original manuscript this was taken from four years ago was lost before I could finish coding it in html. So, here is the Author's latest version, but in a .pdf format if you would like to read the rest of it. This is only the first 80 out of 390 pages. Okay? It makes the valid point, every ideology can be taken to an extreme in order to create conflicts, if that's the intention: to create conflicts. ~*~ Emily Cragg |
I hope you find these resources to be of value and benefit to you and yours.